6. Never go over the crest of a hill at a high speed. An obstacle, a sharp drop,
or another vehicle or person could be on the other side of the hill.
7. If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, apply the brakes. Place the
transmission in reverse and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill
while applying the brakes lightly to control speed.
Driving on a sidehill is not recommended. Driving on a sidehill improperly cause
loss of control or rollover.
If crossing a hill is
, follow these precautions:
1. Drive slowly and use extreme caution.
2. If the vehicle begins to roll over, or if it feels as if it may roll over,
turn downhill.
3. Avoid obstacles and changes in terrain that may lower or raise one side of
the vehicle or cause the vehicle to slide.
4. If the vehicle begins to slide downhill, immediately turn downhill to stop the
slide, or stop the vehicle and maneuver slowly and carefully until the vehicle
can be driven straight downhill.
Whenever driving down a hill, follow these precautions:
1. Avoid excessively steep hills
(15° maximum)
2. Slow down. Never travel down a hill at high speed.
3. Always check the terrain carefully before driving down a hill. Never drive on
hills with excessively slippery or loose surfaces.
4. Always drive down a hill with the transmission in forward gear.
Never “coast”
or drive down a hill with the transmission in neutral.
5. Avoid driving down a hill at an angle, which would cause the vehicle to lean
sharply to one side. Always drive straight downhill.
6. Apply the brakes
to keep speed slow.