2 Channels with deflection coefficients of 1 mV/cm – 20 V/cm
Time Base: 0.2 s/cm – 100 ns/cm,
with X Magnification to 10 ns/cm
Low Noise Measuring Amplifiers with high pulse fidelity
and minimum overshoot
Triggering from 0 to 50 MHz from 5 mm signal level
(up to 100 MHz from 8 mm)
Up to 500,000 signal displays per second
in optimum analog quality
Yt, XY and component-test modes
3 5 M H z A n a l o g O s c i l l o s c o p e
H M 3 0 3 - 6
Full screen display of
35 MHz sine wave signal
Line triggered composite
video signal
No signal distortion
resulting from overshoot