boiler’s level ensures water circulation inside its structure, prevents excessive
furr deposit as well as allows gravitational water flow indispensable for proper
grid’s cooling. Below the grid there is an ash tray (4), above the grid there is a
vertical stopping wall (5). The furnace chamber is accessible through the
feeding door (6) and the grid door (7); access is also possible through side
walls openings which are simultaneously inlets for AZSD system (8). Boiler’s
structure allows wide adjustment of combustion air quantity. For this purpose
the boiler is fitted with ash door (9) together with an adjustable flap, which
enables adjustment of air coming under the boiler’s grid. The air can be also
supplied through tilted grid door (7) installed in boiler’s front wall. In the rear
part of the boiler below the row of combustion tubes there is a deposit chamber
(10) accessible through the door (11); access to combustion tubes from upper
side is possible through cleaning flaps (12) for the first and (13) for the second
row of combustion tubes. Exhaust gas outlet is realised through a flue (14).
The boiler can work with natural air draft generated by a funnel or with forced
draft generated by a fan.
2.3. Classification
Present operation manual is valid for boilers type KWH of thermal power: 55;
110; 180; 300; 600; 1000; 2000 kW;
2.4. Types of fuel
2.4.1. Basic fuels
The basic fuel for the KWH boilers coupled with an AZSD unit is comminuted
woodwaste of 30 mm granulation, 30 – 50% humidity and n.c.v. 13-8 MJ/kg
burnt in the pre-furnace.
2.4.2. Substitution fuel
Substitution fuels used in KWH boilers (when withot pre-furnace) are:
big wood pieces
coal/lignite briquetts
mix coal + peat or coal + woodwaste
mix pea coal + culm from 1/2:3 to 3:1.
2.5. Boiler power for substitution fuel.
If necessary, the KWH boilers can be fired with substitution fuel. Permanent
use of wet fuel and simultaneousy low temperature of exhaust gas –
below 160
˚ C
– leads to premature wear of the boiler. The reason is
condensation of combustion products e.g. water, nitrogen oxides, sulphur
oxides etc., which create very agressive environment and cause corrosion of
steel boiler elements.