Setting the Target Network ID and System ID for the R-1307 Readout
To make the unit visible to all other radio-
enabled devices, you must set the Target
Network ID and the System ID for the readout.
Set the Local Readout/Target Network
Press the MENU button until the
display shows
(nn is also equal
to the R-1037 number) and the matching
Target number with the current Target ID
) blinking. Use the UP and DOWN
arrow keys to set the Target ID.
Press the MENU button again until the
display shows
with the
current Target ID (
) blinking. Use the
UP and DOWN arrow keys to set the
Target ID to the same value as that of the
upper display’s Target ID.
Set the System ID (Radio Channel)
Press the MENU button until the upper
display shows
, with the current
System ID (
) blinking. Use the UP and
DOWN arrow keys to set the System ID.
Note that
must be set to the same
number as the channel switch setting of the
A-910 radio transceiver (see Figure 5 , #5).
Miscellaneous Display Messages
Startup Message. Lower Display shows firmware Revision Number.
. . .
3 moving dots. Wireless target is not responding to a polling request from Readout.
Check ID and Channel settings. Check Target(s).
3 dashes. Target detected but the laser is not on target. Check laser.
Radio channel cannot be selected because no Radio is present or detected.
Standard message for R-1307C. For Models R-1307 or R-1307W, this message indicates
a fault in the radio module.
Indicates a problem with the connection to the Local Target’s Position Sensing Device
(PSD). Check plugs and cable(s).
Target ‘
’ descriptor does not contain target calibration data.
Figure 7 --
R-1307 with Local Target and A-910 Radio Transceiver