Function Blocks PSx-3__-PN
Now all preparations are done in order to use the function blocks. In the editor “Program
blocks” the function blocks “MC_...” appear in the section “FB blocks”. So in our example the
function blocks MC_Move, MC_Error, MC_ReadParameter and MC_WriteParameter are
inserted each three times in a part of the program that is called cyclically (e.g. in the OB1) and
immediately be linked with their respective instance data blocks.
To the input “Drive” we connect the variable of the type “DRIVE_DATA” which is provided for
this axis (thus “PSE_1”, “PSE_2” and “PSE_3”).
After that we connect the rest of the required inputs and outputs with those variables which are
provided for this purpose (thus
“PSE_1_Move_DINT_TargetPosition”, …).
MC_Move (FB110)
This FB serves to send run commands to the drive.
(View in Step 7 Classic V5.5)
(View in Step 7 TIA V13 + V14)