Halma Crowcon Xgard S011843 Installation, Operating And Maintenance Instructions Download Page 1

Xgard Air Sampling Unit (ASU) 

Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions  


M07646 Issue 2 Jan 06




The Air Sampling Unit (ASU) is designed to be used with Crowcon’s Xgard range of detectors for monitoring 
potentially hazardous gases within ventilation ducts. The ASU operates using the Venturi principle, for which the air 
flow rate within the duct must be between 5 metres per second and 20 metres per second.  



The following instructions assume that the ASU has been supplied with the Xgard detector pre-fitted. A full 
assembly drawing is shown on the next page. 


1.  To avoid the adverse effects of turbulence, the ASU should be installed in the centre of a straight section of 

duct which has a length of at least six times its width. 

2.  Check the air flow direction in the air duct system. 
3.  Apply the drilling template onto the centre line of the air duct parallel to the air flow. Check that the 

directional arrow on the drilling template is the same as the direction of the air flow in the duct. 

4.  Using a centre punch, punch the two centres indicated for the drilling template. 
5.  Drill out to 25mm (1”) diameter. Remove burrs and sharp edges around the two holes. 
6.  Remove the ASU cover. 
7.  Fit the sample tube elbows with rubber washers on the inside and outside of the sampling chamber. Fit the 

securing nuts and tighten. Ensure that the black sample tube holes face 180º away from the sample 
chamber, and the white sample tube chamfer faces away from the sample chamber as shown on the 
diagram on the next page. 

8.  Check the thickness of the air duct metalwork and fit the black rubber grommets into the two duct holes 

drilled for point 5 of these instructions. 

9.  Fit the ASU probes through the two grommets checking that the inlet and outlet probes are correctly 

installed and push until the unit has sealed. 

10.  Mark the six ASU plate fixing holes and drill 5mm (1/4”) holes for securing the plate. Secure the plate to the 

duct using suitable bolts. 

11.  Connect the detector cable as instructed in the Xgard manual. 

Check that there is no air leakage into the sampling chamber from outside the duct through the 
probe joints, grommets or sampling unit cover gasket.


Testing and Commissioning 

Calibrate the detector according to its instructions. Testing the operation of the ASU can be performed by 
introducing gas into the duct system.  


 it is essential to ensure that procedures are in place to prevent people and/or equipment being affected 

by any test gas introduced into the ventilation system. 

Operation and maintenance 

The ASU needs to specific maintenance, however the Xgard gas detector must be maintained in accordance with 
its instructions. 



Xgard ASU Part Number:  


Suitable Duct Widths:    

300mm (12”) to 1500mm (60”) 

Suitable Air Speeds:  


5 metres (3’3”) per seconds to 20 metres (13’) per second 

Operating Temperature Range:  0ºC (32ºF) to +60ºC (140ºF) 


Note: this product is not compatible with the Xgard Type 4 high temperature flammable gas detector. 







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Crowcon reserves the right to change the design or specification of this product without notice. 
