SPOGG Sport-Güter GmbH
Schulstr. 27
35614 Aßlar/Berghausen
Introduction assembling
General information
This equipment should be installed, inspected, maintained and operated in accord-
ance with EN 1176-7 guidelines.
The BG/GUV-SI 8095 is the basis of installation in schools and kindergarden in Ger-
We advise against the installation in sand!
Please consider that the installation has to be installed only on even terrain
(max. slope up to 3%).
Any spare parts that may be required can be obtained directly from your supplier or
from SPOGG Sport-Güter GmbH
Spogg Sport-Güter GmbH
Schulstr. 27
35614 Asslar/Berghausen
Tel. +49 6443 811262
Fax +49 6443 811269
Please do not hesitate to call your supplier if you have any problems during installa-
tion or with any other questions. You can reach us at the following:
Tel. +49 6443
Following installation, complete assembly instructions, maintenance in-
structions and a maintenance record must be sent to the operator who
must confirm receipt in writing. See the last page of this document.
All nuts and bolts are hot-dip galvanised or stainless steel.
One of the characteristics of stainless steel is that uncontrolled cold
welding may occur when the nuts are tightened. To prevent this, it is
necessary to spray the nuts and bolts with Teflon spray or another simi-
lar lubricant.
We hereby confirm that this play equipment has been tested and certi-fied in
accordance with the play equipment standard EN 1176-1:2017.