SPOGG Sport-Güter GmbH
Schulstr. 27
35614 Aßlar/Berghausen
Introduction Maintenance
General Information:
This equipment should be installed, inspected, maintained and operated in
accordance with EN 1176-7 guidelines.
The BG/GUV-SI 8095 is the basis of For Installation in schools and kindergarden in
Please note:
Providing any necessary repairs are carried out, a piece of
play equipment that is inspected regularly cannot become so damaged
that it is dangerous.
Any spare parts which may be required can be obtained directly from your supplier or
from Spogg Sport-Güter GmbH
Spogg Sport-Güter GmbH
Schulstr. 27
35614 Asslar/Berghausen
Tel. +49 6443 81 12 62
Fax +49 6443 81 12 69
This equipment should only be assembled, maintained and repaired by
persons with the necessary expertise.
A copy of the inspection record should be given to the operator, who
must confirm receipt.
This maintenance instruction is based on the standard
“EN 1176-1-2017“