Velice nás t
ší, že Vám m
žeme dodat zdvižný vozík Newton
50, H17152
70, H14931, H19862
Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182
Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188
250, H18594, H19238
íslo dílu a výrobní
íslo se nachází na štítku stroje a v potvrzení objednávky.
Použití a p
dorys jsou pro všechny modely v podstat
shodné; jakékoliv významné rozdíly
jsou uvedeny v textu a na vyobrazeních.
Zapamatujte si prosím, že:
Zdvižný vozíl m
že používat pouze kvalifikovaný personál!
Používáním tohoto stroje se automaticky zavazujete dodržovat pokyny k jeho používání!
Je velice d
ležité, abyste si p
ed používáním zdvižného vozíku d
etli pokyny k
jeho obsluze a abyste jim porozum
Budete-li mít jakékoli dotazy, obra
te se prosím na svého dodavatele.
Tyto pokyny musí být k dispozici všem doty
ným zam
m, musí být uloženy na
ném míst
a pokud dojde k p
esunu stroje na jiné pracovišt
, musí s ním být
esunuty rovn
ž tyto pokyny.
Správné používání, provoz, kontrola a údržba tohoto stroje jsou zásadn
pro efektivní a bezpe
ný výkon práce.
Zdvižný vozík se dodává zabalený do ochranné fólie nastojato na palet
Dodávka m
že být provedena i ve stojatých obalech, v takovém p
se od zákazníka
vyžaduje i provedení
né montáže.
esné pokyny k montáži budou dodány.
Po vybalení p
edejte obalové materiály k
ádné recyklaci.
Zkontrolujte, zda stroj není poškozen. Jakékoliv poškození ohlaste p
epravci a firm
Veškeré p
íslušenství musí být p
no v souladu s pokyny, které jsou sou
i manipulaci se zdvižným vozíkem vždy používejte požadovaný po
et zdvižných
ed prvním použitím je t
eba zdvižný vozík POZNÁMKA!
nabíjet po dobu alespo
8 hodin.
Summary of Contents for NEWTON 50
Page 23: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 25: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 27: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 29: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 31: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 32: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 33: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 34: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 35: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 36: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 60: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 62: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 64: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 66: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 68: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 69: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 70: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 71: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 72: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 73: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 97: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 99: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 101: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 103: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 105: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 106: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 107: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 108: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 109: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 110: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 135: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 137: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 139: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 141: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 143: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 144: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 145: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 146: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 147: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 148: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 173: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 175: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 177: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 179: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 181: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 182: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 183: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 184: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 185: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 186: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 211: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 213: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 215: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 217: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 219: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 220: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 221: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 222: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 223: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 224: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 249: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 251: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 253: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 255: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 257: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 258: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 259: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 260: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 261: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 262: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 286: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 288: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 290: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 292: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 294: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 295: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 296: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 297: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 298: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 299: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 324: ...24 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Page 326: ...26 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Page 328: ...28 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Page 330: ...30 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Page 332: ...32 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Page 333: ...33 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Page 334: ...34 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Page 335: ...35 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Page 336: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 337: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 362: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 364: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 366: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 368: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 370: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 371: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 372: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 373: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 374: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 375: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 399: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 401: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 403: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 405: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 407: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 408: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 409: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 410: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 411: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 412: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 436: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 438: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 440: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 442: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 444: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 445: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 446: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 447: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 448: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 449: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 456: ...6 SS EN 3691 5 2009 100 Newton SS EN 3691 5 2009 CE CE Hallins 6...
Page 457: ...7 2 Newton 70 250 Newton 50...
Page 458: ...8 Hallins...
Page 459: ...9 14...
Page 460: ...10 7 Newton 2 12 230 50 6 7 1 7 2 ON Newton 50 OFF ON Newton 70 250 OFF ON...
Page 461: ...11 7 3 8 8 1 Hallins 8 2 24 8 3 20 C 8 4...
Page 462: ...12 8 5 ON 9 IP 41...
Page 463: ...13 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
Page 465: ...15 12 Newton A ON B 8 C B 13...
Page 475: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 477: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 479: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 481: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 483: ...33 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 484: ...34 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 485: ...35 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 486: ...36 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 487: ...37 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 488: ...38 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 512: ...23 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Page 514: ...25 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Page 516: ...27 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Page 518: ...29 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Page 520: ...31 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Page 521: ...32 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Page 522: ...33 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Page 523: ...34 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Page 524: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 525: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 550: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 552: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 554: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 556: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 558: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 559: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 560: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 561: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 562: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 563: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 588: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 590: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 592: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 594: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 596: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 597: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 598: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 599: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 600: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 601: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 625: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 627: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 629: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 631: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 633: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 634: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 635: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 636: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 637: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 638: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Page 662: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Page 664: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Page 666: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Page 668: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Page 670: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Page 671: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Page 672: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Page 673: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Page 674: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Page 675: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...