TOPlus mini / TOPlus premium pull-back
Order h49 7144.907-333
Whenever the face run-out is greater than the maximum per-
mitted value:
13. Remove the functional unit.
14. Clean the locating face and the mating faces of the spin-
dle flange and the functional unit.
15. If there is a burr or slight damage, rub down the locating
face of the spindle flange or the functional unit gently
with an oil stone.
16. Reinstall the functional unit.
17. Repeat the alignment process.
18. Repeat the face run-out test.
If the product is aligned on the axial run-out test sur-
face of the functional unit, the axial run-out values may
change when the workpiece is clamped, due to distor-
tion of the product.
If the product needs to have more accurate axial run-
out, it must be aligned with the test specimen [see
»Alignment of clamping device with test specimen«
7.5.7 Installation of the functional unit of a non-alignable clamping device
1. Attach any lifting gear that may be required.
2. If necessary, fit the mounting aid onto a vertically sus-
pended spindle.
3. Move the machine drawtube to the front limit stop.
If lifting gear needs to be used, rotate the spindle
flange and machine spindle manually to tighten / un-
tighten the functional unit.