TOPlus mini / TOPlus premium pull-back
Order h49 7144.907-333
12 Disposal
If no agreement exists for return or disposal, send disman-
tled components off for recycling.
Substantial damage to the environment can result
from incorrect disposal of environmentally haz-
ardous substances!
Products containing composites [mineral casting,
CFK] must be returned to HAINBUCH for dis-
Substantial damage to the environment can result
from incorrect disposal of environmentally haz-
ardous substances!
Lubricants, auxiliary materials and operating flu-
ids are governed by legislation for the processing
of special-category waste: All disposal to be per-
formed by authorized waste disposal specialists.
Catch exchanged oils and greases in suitable containers and
dispose of them in accordance with applicable local provi-
The local municipal authority or specialist waste disposal
companies can provide information about environmentally
compliant disposal.