Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CA
Coupling ring
Clamping rings
- - - - - = Coated surface
Absolutely No Molycote on the surfaces
between shaft-motor. Clean the driven shaft
and the inside of the motor hollow shaft.
- Alignment of the motor on the shaft.
(Dimensional check).
- Minimum variation in the gap between the
clamping rings (Dimensional check).
- Right torque on the bolts. (Use torque
- Right material and dimension on the driven
- The conical surface between the coupling
ring and the clamping rings + the bolts shall be
coated with MoS
(Molycote), see Fig. 3.8.This
is done from the factory at delivery! When a
motor has been in for overhaul or service and
shall be reassembled it may be necessary to
relubricate those surfaces with Molycote again
but remember
only the specified surfaces!
Before starting the motor, check
that the rotating coupling can not
cause damage.
Fig. 3.8
The following factors are important for successful mounting:
Cleaned surface