hager WYW51 Q Series Quick Start Manual Download Page 1



Radio motion detector comfort  

1.1 m/2.2 m quicklink



1,10 m




2,2 m

Fig 4: Installation location of the motion detectors

1,75 m

1,1 m

8 m

8 m


2 m

4 m

6 m

8 m

10 m

12 m

Fig 6: Detection area of the radio motion detector 1,1 m

2 m

6 m

6 m

4 m

6 m

8 m

10 m

~ 3°

1,1 m

2,2 m

1,75 m

8 m

Fig 7: Detection area of the radio motion detector 2,2 m 

Safety instructions

Electrical equipment must only be installed 

and assembled by a qualified electrician in ac-

cordance with the relevant installation stan-

dards, regulations, directives and safety and 

accident prevention directives of the country.
Failure to comply with these instructions may 

result in damage to the device, fire or other ha-

The radio transmission is not suitable for safe-

ty or alarm applications.
Due to its detection behaviour the device is not 

suitable for use in burglary detection or alarm 

These instructions are an integral component 

of the product and must be retained by the end 


Design of the device







Figure 1: Design of the device

(1)  Insert (see „Accessories“, not in scope of 


(2)  Frame (not in scope of delivery)
(3)  Application module
(4)  Motion detector design cover
(5)  Screw for dismantling protection 
(6)  Interface between application and power 

module insert/application module


System information

This device is a product of the quicklink system, in 

which installation devices communicate via radio 

quicklink stands for a configuration mode in which 

the function-related connection between transmit-

ters and receivers is set on the device via push-

buttons and displays without further tools. 
All devices configurable via quicklink can be ope-

rated together in one system. 

This device is compliant to the R&TTE-Directive 

1999/5/EG. The Declaration of Conformity and 

further system information can be found on our 

homepage www.berker.de.
The device may be used in all EU and EFTA 


Correct use

 - Automatic switching of lighting depending on 

heat motion and ambient brightness

 - Application module for switch insert, flush-

mounted dimmer or power supply for radio ap-

plication modules

 - The device has been laid out for smaller appli-

cations in which a maximum of 20 devices are 


 - Only suitable for use in indoor areas, no drip or 

spray water

Product characteristics

 - quicklink functions to extend the detection area, 

scenes, control circuits

 - Remote control via quicklink transmitter 
 - Integrated button for selecting operating modes 

and special functions 

 - Lockable integrated button
 - Operating modes - automatic mode, permanent 

ON, permanent OFF can be selected

 - Indication of operating modes via LED
 - Potentiometer for adjusting the response bright-

ness and detection sensitivity 

 - Adjustable detection angle for adaptation of the 

detection area

 - Additional adjustment of the response bright-

ness via Teach-In function

 - Party function
 - Presence simulation
 - Optional extension unit operation via installati-

on button 

Automatic mode

The motion detector detects heat motion caused 

by persons, animals, or objects.
On switch insert and flush-mounted dimmer with 

factory setting:

 - The light will be switched on for a fixed delay 

time of 3 minutes if movements are detected in 

the detection area and the set brightness 

threshold is undershot. Each additional move-

ment in the detection area restarts the delay 


 - The light will be switched off after 3 minutes if 

no additional movements are detected.

On flush-mounted dimmer configured with time 

function (see radio configuration quicklink):

 - The light will be switched on for the delay time, 

if movements are detected in the detection area 

and the set brightness threshold is undershot. 

Each additional movement in the detection area 

restarts the delay time.

 - After the delay time elapses the lighting will be 

dimmed to 50% of the switch-on brightness-

level and will remain at this brightness level for 

30 s (switch-off pre-warning). Each movement 

detected during the switch-off pre-warning re-

starts the delay time and restores the switch-on 

brightness level.

 - The light will be switched off if no motion is de-

tected any longer in the detection area and the 

set delay time and the switch-off time have 


Performance after mains breakdown/return of 

mains supply

 - Mains breakdown shorter than 0.2 s: 

The function is not impaired.

 - Mains breakdown longer than 0.2 s: 

There is no function during the mains break-

down. The current configuration is saved in 

non-volatile memory.

 - Return of mains supply:  

The application module executes an initialisati-

on for approx. 5 s, during which the lighting will 

be switched on. Motion detection starts there-

after. If no motion is detected during the first 

5 s, the lighting is switched off. The stored con-

figuration is loaded from memory. During this 

period local operation via the button or extensi-
on unit can be used. 


Operating concept



Fig. 2: Operating and display elements

(7)  Button
(8)  Status LED 
Operation is executed by pushing the button (7) on 

the motion detector:

 - A short press of the button switches the opera-

ting modes. The operating mode is displayed 

via the status LED behind the optics cover of 

the motion detector. 



Short press on button.
The presence simulation will be disabled, the 

motion detector returns





Setting the load

If the dimming and switching performance of loads 

is unsatisfactory after start-up, especially when 

circuited to energy-saving lamps and 230 V LED 

lamps, a load setting must be carried out for uni-

versal switch inserts or universal touch dimmers.



Switch off load.



Keep the button pressed for more than 25 

seconds, until the status LED is slowly flashing 

The connected load blinks once. The device is 

in selection mode.

  If there is no further operation within the next 

10 seconds, the insert swiches to switching/

dimming operation.



Repeated short press on button to activate the 

desired setting mode (Table 3).
The load setting is executed.

Information for electricians
Installation and electrical connection

Selecting installation location

A minimum distance between the transmitter and 

corresponding receiver of about 1 m must be 

A minimum distance to electronic devices which 

emit high frequency signals such as computers, 

electronic transformers or microwave devices of 

approx. 0.5 m must be maintained.
Mounting on or close to metal surfaces may cause 

impairment ofthe radio



Take material penetration into account. The range 

of the system can be optimised by selecting the 

best possible mounting location:


Degree of material 


Wood, plaster, plaster-

board, uncoated glass

ca. 90 %

Brick, press boards

ca. 70 %

Reinforced concrete, 

floor heating

ca. 30 %

Metal, metal grids, 

aluminium laminates, 

coated glass

ca. 10 %

Rain, snow

ca. 1 ... 40 %

Table 4: Material penetration

  Observe the motion orientation: a distinction is 

made between direct approach and transverse 

motion. Motions transverse to the motion de-

tector can be detected better than motions to-

ward the motion detector (Fig. 4).



Select a installation location that is free of 

vibration. Vibrations can cause undesired  




Avoid sources of interference in the detection 

area (Figure 6/7). Sources of interference, e.g. 

heating elements, ventilation systems, air con-

ditioners and illuminants that are cooling down 

can cause undesired switching (Fig. 4).

  To avoid disturbing influences, the detection 

angle can be restricted (see Restriction of the 

detection area).




Assembly of the device (Figure 1) 

  Information on electrical connection are to be 

taken from the operating instruction of  for the 




Attach the bottom part of the application modu-

le (3) together with frame (2) to a suitable insert 

(1) and establish a connection between insert 

and the application module via the interface 

between application and power module (6).

As soon as voltage is supplied to the appli-

cation module, the status LED indicates the 

compatibility to the insert used.

Status LED 



LED blinks 

green (approx. 

5 s until motion 

detection is ac-



LED blinks red 

for 5 s

Not compatible.

LED blinks oran-

ge for 5 s

Compatible, but not configu-

red to each other. For a new 

configuration, the application 

module must be reset to fac-

tory settings.



If available, fix dismantling protection with 

screw (5). 



After radio configuration and start-up, click the 

design cover (4) into place on the application 

module (3).


Overview of operation and adjustment 




90°  ...   45°

45°  ...   90°















Fig. 5: Operating and adjustment elements of the 

bottom part of the application module

(9)  Sensitivity potentiometer



(11)  Detection angle adjuster
(12) Status/






(14) Response brightness potentiometer


 - Keeping the button pressed activates special 

functions. Selection of the special functions is 

supported by the LED display (Fig. 3).

Selecting the operating mode



Repeated short press on button until the 

desired operating mode is selected.
The status LED indicates the selected operating 

mode (see Table 1).

  Switching the operating mode finishes the party 

function or presence simulation, if these func-

tions were previously active.

Disabling/enabling operating mode selection 

via button



Keep the button pressed for more than 15 

seconds, until the status LED is flashing green 

(Fig. 3).
Selection of the operating mode via the button 

is disabled.

or if the button is disabled:



Keep the button pressed for more than 15 

seconds, until the status LED is flashing green 

(Fig. 3).
Selection of the operating mode via the button 

is possible again.

Switch on the lighting via push-button 

extension unit or change the switch-on 


Optionally the lighting can be switched on via a 

mechanical push-button extension unit (Table 2). 
  For extension unit operation, the lighting is swit-

ched on independently of the set brightness 


  When using the flush-mounted dimmers, the 

last set brightness level will be saved as the 

switch-on brightness-level.

Activating/interrupting party function

The party function switches the lighting on for 2 

hours. During this time no extension unit or radio 

commands are executed.



Keep the button pressed for more than 5 

seconds, until the status LED is flashing red 

(Fig. 3).
The lighting is switched on for 2 hours. During 

this time the status LED is flashing red. Upon 

elapse of 2 hours, the motion detector switches 



 operation mode.



Short press on button.
The party function will be interrupted, the moti-

on detector returns to 



Setting response brightness via Teach-In 


The response brightness is the brightness value 

saved in the motion detector; when this value 

is undershot the motion detector switches the 

connected load if movements are detected. Via 

Teach-In function the current ambient brightness is 

saved as the response brightness.
The load is switched off.



Keep the button pressed for more than 10 

seconds, until the status LED is flashing orange 

(Fig. 3).
The motion detector detects the current ambient 

brightness and saves it as response brightness.

  Setting of the response brightness via Teach-In 

function and via the brightness potentiometer 

has the same priority. Teach-In overwrites the 

response brightness set on the brightness po-

tentiometer. If the setting is made again via the 

potentiometer the Teach-In figure will be over-






Activating/deactivating presence simulation

During operation, the motion detector counts the 

motion detections in one full hour and saves the 

result. With active presence simulation at the be-

ginning of the hour with the most detections saved, 

the light will be switched on for the duration of the 

delay time, even no motion is detected. 
During the presence simulation presence de-

tection, extension unit and radio commands will 

continue to be executed normally.



Keep the button pressed for more than 20 

seconds, until the status LED is slowly flashing 

red (Fig. 3).
The presence simulation is active. During this 

time the status LED lights orange. The motion 

detector switches the lighting on at the saved 


Setting the detection area

The detection angle can be restricted for the right 

side and for the left side via each adjuster (Fig. 5, 

10) between 45° ... 90°.  Thus the detection angle 

can be between 90° and 180° (Fig. 8).



Use the adjusters to set the detection angle for 

each side.

Setting the detection behaviour

Test mode must be used to test the detection 

performance. In test mode, the motion detector 

works independent of brightness. Each detection 

switches the lighting and the status LED on for 3 

seconds. Thereafter motion detection will be deac-

tivated for 2 seconds.
The motion detector is connected and ready for 




Setting the test mode. To do so, set the re-

sponse brightness potentiometer (Fig. 5, 13) to 

the T position.



Leave the detection area and observe the swit-

ching behaviour. 
If the motion detector switches on without 

motion in the detection field, then sources of in-

terference (see Installation location) are present 

or the sensitivity is set too high.



Reduce the sensitivity if necessary and blank 

out sources of interference by adjusting the 

detection angle or removing them.



Check the detection area using a detection test 

and adjust if necessary.

  If the detection area is too small, it can be ex-

tended via motion detector extension units or 

per radio via a master-slave configuration (see 

radio configuration).













> 5 s

>10 s

> 15 s

> 20 s 

> 25 s


  Only on universal switch insert and universal flush-mounted dimmer

Fig. 3: Selection of the special functions and LED display

LED display Operating mode Description



Motion-dependent and brightness-dependent switch on/switch off of 

the load


Permanent ON

Load is permanently switched-on/switched-off.
Extension unit signals, as well as radio signals, will not be evaluated


Permanent OFF

Table 1: Display of operating modes

Dimming status Operation button Performance of the insert

Motion detector applied on switch insert

Short press 

Load is switched on for the set delay time


Short press 

Extension of switch-on time by the set delay time

Motion detector applied on flush-mounted dimmer

Short press 

Load is switched on to the switch-on brightness-level for the set 

delay time


Short press 

Extension of switch-on time by the set delay time at the same 



Long press

Load is switched on to switch-on brightness-level, subsequent 

dimming in the opposite direction of the last dimming process. 

Thereafter the load remains switched on for the delay time


Long press

Changes the current brightness. Dimming takes place in the 

opposite direction of the last dimming process until maximum 

or minimum brightness. Subsequently the load remains swit-

ched on at the set brightness for the set delay time

Table 2: Operation via push-button extension unit

Short press 

on button

Setting mode

Confirmation of the  

load setting


1 x

Load fine-setting

Load blinks 1 x after approx. 

30 s and changes to swit-

ching/dimming operation

Not suitable for ohmic loads (e.g. 

incandescent, HV halogen lamps); 

use factory load setting.
If the load fine-setting does not 

bring any improvement for energy-

saving lamps or 230 V LED lamps, 

select the energy-saving lamp fi-

ne-setting or 230 V LED lamp uni-

versal setting.

2 x

Factory load setting

Load blinks 2 x after approx. 

6 s and changes to swit-

ching/dimming operation

3 x

Energy-saving lamp 

fine-setting in phase 


Load blinks 3 x after approx. 

30 s and changes to swit-

ching/dimming operation

Energy-saving lamps are switched 

ON at a brightness level of at least 

50% brightness in order to ensure 

an ignition process.

4 x

230 V LED lamp uni-

versal setting in pha-

se cut-off

Load blinks 4 x after approx. 

5 s and changes to swit-

ching/dimming operation

The universal setting contains 

standard values which enable the 

operation of typical dimmable 230 

V LED lamps.

For all setting modes Load blinks 5 x 

The selected setting mode is not 

supported by the insert.

Table 3: Load setting mode



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18.03.2013   14:56:11

Summary of Contents for WYW51 Q Series

Page 1: ...operating modes via LED Potentiometer for adjusting the response bright ness and detection sensitivity Adjustable detection angle for adaptation of the detection area Additional adjustment of the res...

Page 2: ...resence simulation During operation the motion detector counts the motion detections in one full hour and saves the result With active presence simulation at the be ginning of the hour with the most d...

Page 3: ...th frame 2 to a suitable insert 1 and establish a connection between insert and the application module via the interface between application and power module 6 As soon as voltage is supplied to the ap...

Page 4: ...Switching OFF Short press on push button Dimming DOWN to mini mum brightness level 1 Scene 1 1 Receivers are allocated to a scene due to the configu ration of the function Short press on push button...

Page 5: ...pulse in case of motion detection in its detection area Upon receiving this pulse the master switches on for the delay time if the set brightness threshold is undershot Delay time and brightness thres...

Page 6: ...n on the wall transm T 150 90 45 45 90 fct cfg Table 8 Execution of t P P Configuration of radio motion detector as a receiver Configuration to control the load connected to the insert via reception o...

Page 7: ...ble 9 Configurable switch on times Resetting the radio motion detector to factory settings The device is not in configuration mode z Keep the cfg button pressed for more than 10 seconds until the cfg...
