"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 87 von 130 DALI commissioning
Starting the DALI commissioning
The plug-in embedded in the ETS 3 makes it easy to configure the DALI Gateway as well as to create
and parameterize the required DALI groups. Also, the plug-in allows the DALI to be commissioned via
the KNX/EIB bus line. No additional tool and no special programming link is required.
The DALI commissioning must be executed after all groups have been created and configured at the
KNX/EIB (all required parameter must be preset and all group addresses be assigned). It is also
necessary to program the DALI Gateway with the ETS 3 at least once prior to the DALI commissioning
so that the Gateway has been physically addressed and the application program has been loaded (cf.
Chapter 2.4 “Commissioning”).
Once all the requirements have been met, the “DALI commissioning” on the parameter page of the
plug-in with the same name can be executed. The commissioning environment becomes visible in the
right subwindow of the plug-in after opening the commissioning page and a successfully established
communication with the DALI Gateway (cf. figure 34).
Figure 34: DALI commissioning environment in the ETS 3 plug-in
When opening the commissioning environment the plug-in first attempts to communicate with the DALI
Gateway via the bus connection of the ETS (cf. figure 35 on the following page) and verifies whether a
DALI commissioning is possible. For this reason the DALI Gateway must be connected to the KNX/EIB
and the bus as well as the mains voltage supply must be switched on if the DALI commissioning is
called up. In addition the ETS 3 must have a working communication interface to the bus (e.g. RS-232
or USB).
The Gateway does not verify the operability of the DALI line in this situation.