"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 45 von 130 Description of functions affecting all channels:
Delay after bus/ mains voltage return
To reduce telegram traffic on the bus line after bus voltage activation (bus reset) or mains supply
activation, after connecting the device to the bus line or after an ETS programming, it is possible to
delay all actively transmitting feedback telegrams of the Gateway. For this purpose, a delay time
affecting all channels can be specified ("Delay after bus voltage return" parameter in the "General"
parameter node). Feedback telegrams for bus initialization will be transmitted to the bus only after the
parametrized time has elapsed.
Which group-oriented feedback is actually delayed can be specified separately for each DALI group or
for each feedback function.
The delay has no effect on the behaviour of the individual groups. Only the feedback telegrams will
be delayed. The groups can also be activated during the delay after bus voltage return.
A setting of "0" for the delay time after bus voltage return will completely deactivate the delay
function. In this case, all feedback telegrams, if actively transmitted, will be transmitted to the bus
without delay.
The “DALI error status”, “DALI short-circuit” or “DALI voltage failure” messages will basically be
transmitted without time delay.
Delaying a feedback
The transmitting behaviour after a bus voltage return can only be determined for those feedbacks that
are enabled and set to actively transmit.
Set the "Time delay for feedback telegram after bus voltage return" parameter to "Yes". The
parameter can be found on the parameter page for the corresponding switching status or brightness
value feedback message of a group.
In this case, the feedback telegram will be transmitted only when the delay time after the bus voltage
return has lapsed. If set to “No”, a feedback telegram will be transmitted to the bus without delay
immediately after the bus voltage return.