P/N 53063-50, Manual Revision: B
Manual Operation
7. Reinfusion to the patient can begin as soon as there is a safe level of blood
in the reinfusion bag (2–3 inches). Collection of the shed blood into the
collection reservoir, filling the bowl, and reinfusion to the patient can occur
simultaneously after the first processed blood is pumped to the reinfusion
Warning: Do not allow the reinfusion bag to become empty between reinfusions
to the patient. If air does enter the reinfusion line, it must be purged prior to
restarting reinfusion.
Warning: DO NOT PRESSURE REINFUSE. Pressure reinfusion can lead to the
fatal infusion of air into the patient.
The Haemonetics Cell Saver 5+ System’s disposables are not intended to be used
with a pressure reinfusion cuff. For information on removing air from the
reinfusion bag see the section,
Pressure Reinfusion
in Chapter 3.
Warning: Washed, concentrated cells are depleted of clotting factors. The
physician must monitor the quantity of washed cells returned to the patient, and
supplement the washed, concentrated cells with fresh frozen plasma and
platelets if required for hemostasis.
8. Once the system has sensed that the bowl is empty the system will revert to
a STANDBY state and the following will be displayed.
If there is more blood to be processed in the reservoir, press START to begin the
FILL mode as previously discussed in steps 5 and 6.
If the amount available for processing is insignificant, simply discard the
remaining fluid with the bowl.
Warning: Close the clamp between the reinfusion bag and the patient between
Processed Vol:
Wash Vol:
Reinfusion Vol:
Bowls Processed:
Press MODE key for AUTOMATIC
Press MODIFY to change parameters
1250 ml
1000 ml
200 ml
Press START to fill bowl or CONC to concentrate