P/N 53063-30, Manual revision: B
Presenting the Cell Saver 5+ System
Autologous blood is now widely accepted as the first choice for transfusion,
whenever possible. The term
autologous blood
refers to blood which is
derived from one individual. An autologous blood transfusion can be
defined as a procedure in which a patient receives his or her own blood. The
blood may have been collected earlier or salvaged from shed blood intra-
operatively or postoperatively.
Homologous blood
is blood of the same type, donated or derived from
sources other than the patient who is receiving the transfusion.
Autologous versus homologous transfusion
The advantages of autologous transfusion are well documented. The major
advantages are as follows:
No risk of disease transmission.
No transfusion reactions.
Requires minimal compatibility testing.
Reduces demand on blood bank inventory.
Cell Saver systems and autologous transfusion
In addition to the general benefits of autologous transfusion, the Cell Saver
systems provide the following benefits:
Rapid setup.
Rapid return of patient’s own cells.
Reduction of net blood loss.
Removal of red cell stroma.
Removal of plasma-free hemoglobin.
Removal of anticoagulant solution.
Removal of activated clotting factors.
Removal of extracellular potassium.
General acceptance by Jehovah’s witnesses.