Equipment Description
P/N: SM-ACP215-01-EN(AB)
Service Manual
Waste Bag
The biohazard waste bag is designed to collect any biologically contaminated
material from the centrifuge well in the rare case of a spill or leak. Two
biohazard waste bags are supplied with the delivery of each ACP 215 device.
A bag must be attached at all times to the centrifuge drain tube, located at the
rear of the device. The bag must hang freely, with the clamp open, visible to
the operator.
Warning: The biohazard waste bags are not to be used to collect or store
blood products. When a bag contains evacuated waste products, it must
be clamped, removed and properly disposed of, according to the local
policies concerning biologically contaminated material. A new bag must
be placed before resuming operation.