P/N: SM-ACP215-01-EN(AB)
Service Manual
Additional Support
Many factors affect the performance of ACP 215 device, including the
functional integrity of the instrument, the consistency of the disposable set, and
the quality of the blood from the donor or freezer.
When the device is properly calibrated and maintained, the instrument is very
reliable and predictable and is designed to withstand substantial abuse. There
may be times, however, when a component may fail prematurely, or due to
age, or when damage may occur during transportation or as the result of fluid
Haemonetics has made an attempt to predict all possible service scenarios in
designing this manual. There will certainly be situations that were not
predicted, and in such cases Haemonetics Product Support can be relied upon
to provide outstanding service support.
In the United States, product support and field service can be contacted
through the Haemonetics Customer Care Center at 1-800-537-2802.
Outside the U.S. contact the appropriate Haemonetics office. See
“Haemonetics Worldwide” on page 3