LAST UPDATED: 02/14/2020
Vector Drive
- Troubleshooting Guide - CHC
Electrical Safety
When you do maintenance or repair on CNC machines and their components, you must always follow
basic safety precautions. This decreases the risk of injury and mechanical damage.
• Set the main circuit breaker to the
Before beginning any work inside the control cabinet the High Voltage indicator light on the 320V Power
Supply / Vector Drive must have been off for at least 5 minutes.
Some service procedures can be dangerous or life-threatening. DO NOT attempt a procedure that you do not fully
understand. If you have any doubts about doing a procedure contact your Haas Factory Outlet (HFO) and schedule a
service visit.
The Haas Vector drive is the source of power for
the spindle motor and the servo amplifiers. There
are three sizes of Haas Vector drives: 20HP [1],
40HP [2] and 60HP [3].
Vector Drive - Troubleshooting Guide - CHC
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