Figure 16 Cross sectional area of the AP power port and electrode connection method
Connecting a PoE power source
To power the AP through PoE, use an Ethernet cable to connect an Ethernet port on a PoE switch to
the GE/PoE port on the AP. Attach the cable cover to the AP securely after connecting all cables.
Figure 17 Connecting the AP to a PoE power source
Check after power-on
Examine the LEDs on the AP after you power on it to verify that the AP is operating correctly. For
more information about the LEDs, see "Appendix B LEDs and ports".
Connecting the AP to the network
Verifying that the AP has been connected to the network
when it operates in fit mode
When the AP operates in fit mode, all AP settings are configured on the AC. To verify the network
connectivity of the AP, execute the
display wlan ap all
command on the AC. If the AP status
, the AP has been connected to the network.
<AC> display wlan ap all
Total number of APs: 1