Installation Manual
H3C VG 10-40/10-41 Voice Gateway
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
3: Clear configuration
4: Start up and ignore configuration
5: Bootrom Operation Menu
6: Do not check the version of the software
7: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice(1-7):
Note that the option <6> can be selected if backward
compatibility is desired. In this case, the software version of the
extended Boot ROM program segment will not be checked.
The following sections will introduce the two software upgrading
methods provided in the Boot Menu and the operations in the Boot
ROM sub-menus in detail.
You are recommended to upgrade the software under the guidance of
technical support engineers. In addition, when upgrading the VG
software, be aware to match the version of the Boot ROM software
with that of the application program.
5.2 Upgrading Application and Boot ROM
Programs via XModem
When upgrading the software through the XModem protocol, you
can simply use the console port rather than building up another
configuration environment.