Authentication pages
must contain the logoff Post
The following example shows part of the script in page
<form action=logon.cgi method = post >
<p><input type=SUBMIT value="Logoff" name="PtButton" style="width:60px;">
Page file compression and saving rules
You must compress the authentication pages and their page elements into a standard zip file.
The name of a zip file can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.
The authentication pages must be placed in the root directory of the zip file.
Zip files can be transferred to the device through FTP or TFTP and must be saved in the root
directory of the device.
Examples of zip files on the device:
<Sysname> dir
Directory of flash:
1 -rw- 1405 Feb 28 2008 15:53:20 ssid1.zip
0 -rw- 1405 Feb 28 2008 15:53:31 ssid2.zip
2 -rw- 1405 Feb 28 2008 15:53:39 ssid3.zip
3 -rw- 1405 Feb 28 2008 15:53:44 ssid4.zip
2540 KB total (1319 KB free)
Redirecting authenticated users to a specific webpage
To make the device automatically redirect authenticated users to a specific webpage, do the
following in logon.htm and logonSuccess.htm:
In logon.htm, set the target attribute of Form to
See the contents in gray:
<form method=post action=logon.cgi target="_blank">
Add the function for page loading pt_init() to logonSucceess.htm.
See the contents in gray:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
<body onload="pt_init();" onbeforeunload="return pt_unload();">
... ...
Configuring parameters for a local portal Web service
To provide an HTTPS-based local portal Web service, you must configure an SSL server policy.
During SSL connection establishment, the user browser might display a message that it cannot verify
server identity by certificate. For users to perform portal authentication without checking such a
message, configure an SSL server policy to request a client-trusted certificate on the device. The