Starting the firewall and observing the initial startup
Turn on the circuit breakers to power on the firewall.
Observe the initial startup conditions to verify that the firewall starts up correctly.
The LEDs on the front panel indicate that the device is operating correctly. For more
information about LEDs, see "Appendix B LEDs."
The fan blades are rotating and air is exhausted from the air outlet vents.
The configuration terminal displays the following information:
The output on the configuration terminal varies by device software version.
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU...
Press Ctrl+T to start heavy memory test
Booting Normal Extended BootWare
The Extended BootWare is self-decompressing......Done.
* *
* H3C BootWare, Version 2.00 *
* *
Compiled Date : Sep 10 2018
CPU Type : xxx
CPU Clock Speed : 1000MHz
Memory Type : DDR3 SDRAM
Memory Size : xxxMB
Memory Speed : xxxMHz
BootWare Size : 768KB
Flash Size : 8MB
CPLD_A Version : 2.0
CPLD_B Version : 2.0
PCB Version : Ver.A
BootWare Validating...
Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU...
Loading the main image files...
Loading file flash:/main-cmw710-system-E9345.bin.............................
Loading file flash:/main-cmw710-boot-E9345.bin..... Done.
Image file flash:/main-cmw710-boot-E9345.bin is self-decompressing.......
System image is starting...
Cryptographic Algorithms Known-Answer Tests are running ...
CPU 0 of slot 1 in chassis 0:
Starting Known-Answer tests in the user space.