Displaying the operational statistics of the firewall
When you perform routine maintenance or the system fails, you might need to view the operational
information of each functional module for locating failures. Typically you need to run
commands one by one. To collect more information one time, you can execute the
command in any view to display or save the operational statistics of
multiple functional modules of the firewall.
Save the operational statistics of each functional module of the firewall:
<Sysname> display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:y
Please input the file name(*.gz)[flash:/diag.gz]:
Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag.gz.
Please wait...
Save successfully.
To view the diag.gz file:
Execute the
gunzip diag.gz
command in user view to decompress the file.
Execute the
more diag
Pg Up
Pg Down
Display the operational statistics for each functional module of the firewall:
<Sysname> display diagnostic-information
<Sysname>display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:n
===============display cpu===============
Slot 1 CPU 0 CPU usage:
13% in last 5 seconds
13% in last 1 minute
13% in last 5 minutes
Displaying transceiver module information
Identifying transceiver modules
To identify transceiver modules, you can use the following command to view the key parameters of
the transceiver modules, including transceiver module type, connector type, central wavelength of
the laser sent, transmission distance, and vendor name or name of the vendor who customizes the
transceiver modules.
To display transceiver module information:
Task Command
Display key parameters of the
transceiver module in a specific
display transceiver interface
interface-type interface-number
Available for all transceiver
Troubleshooting transceiver modules
The system outputs alarm information for you to locate and troubleshoot faults of transceiver
To display the alarming information or fault detection parameters of a transceiver module: