: Specifies the name of the system image, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63
characters. This file must be saved in the root directory of the current member device's storage
medium, with the extension .bin. The file name must indicate the storage medium and cannot contain
slot information, for example, flash:/startup-system.bin.
Usage guidelines
When you execute this command, the system modifies the main startup software image set to
include only the boot image and system image so the device can reboot correctly.
After the Comware system is started, you can load feature and patch images. For more information,
see the chapters about software upgrade and ISSU in
Fundamentals Configuration Guide
# Load a system image and start the Comware system.
<boot>install load flash:/s5820v2_5830v2-cmw710-system-e2415.bin
Check package flash:/s5820v2_5830v2-cmw710-system-e2415.bin...
Extracting package ...
Board checking........................LSW252QF
SDRAM fast selftest........................OK!
Flash fast selftest........................OK!
CPLD selftest..............................OK!
Switch chip selftest.......................OK!
PHY selftest...............................OK!
Please check leds....................FINISHED!
Line aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
interface m-eth0
interface m-eth0
to enter management Ethernet port view.
interface m-eth0
System view
Usage guidelines
In management Ethernet port view, you can assign an IP address to the port and specify a gateway.
# Enter management Ethernet port view.
<boot> system-view
[boot] interface m-eth0
Related commands