GVP Impact II Series User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Impact II Series

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Page 2: ...th non certified equipment may result in communications interference Your house AC wall receptacle must be a three pronged type AC ground If not contact anelectrician to installthe proper receptacle If amulti connectorbox isusedto connect the computer and peripherals to AC the ground must be common to all units If necessary contact your dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for additional s...

Page 3: ...n the GVP Impact Series IISCSI RAM Controller 7 Installing the Impact Series II SCSI RAM Controller Cards in the Amiga 2000 9 Using the PCBridgeboard with aGVP Hard Disk 15 Instructions for IanusVersion I 16 Installing the Ianus Software Version II 20 Partitioning and Formating Using FaaastPrep 22 Programmer s Documentation 27 Technical Specifications 34 NOTE Please remember tosend in your warrant...

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Page 5: ...asthe capability to hold up to eight 8 megabytes of Fast RAM 0 Impact Series II AZOOO HC This product is similar to the A2000 HC 8 but does not contain the expansion RAM capability This controller has room for a 3 5 SCSI hard drive to be mounted directly on the card A key feature of all GVP Series II SCSI RAM controllers is the new GVP DPRC The DPRC isacustom Dual Port RAMControllerchip that was d...

Page 6: ... lOOns nanosecond or faster page mode DRAMSIMMs DRAM stands for Dynamic RandomAccess Memory while SIMM stands for Single Inline Memory Module SIMMs are used becauseoftheeaseof installationaswell asthe space they save GVPuses 1Mx8SlMMs This meansthat thereare8individual DRAMchipssoldered to a small circuit board These SIMMS can come in two different styles both styles are shown below ...

Page 7: ... SIMM is in its socket apply slight pressure to the top of the SIMM to ensure that it is properly seated When the SIMM is being seated it will generally snap intoplace SlMMs must be inserted in incre ments of two i e 2 4 6 8 Step 2 Nowyou must set the proper jumpers so that the system knowsabout this new expansion memory There are five jumpers on the board below the word TRAM The diagram at the be...

Page 8: ...rtothe owner sguidethat comeswiththe drive The same applies to the resistor packs It is necessaryto referto the owner s guide of the hard drive in order to find out how to remove the resistor packs Once the SCSI ID is set and the resistor packs have been removed proceed to the next step Step 2 Since the drive has to be mounted on the card and connected to two cables it is best to connect the cable...

Page 9: ...The small end plugs into the connector on the boardand the large end plugs intothe harddrive Thisconnector isalsokeyedat thecorners andcan only be inserted in one direction Once the two cables are connected you can use the four screws that came with the GVP controller to secure the harddrive down to the board if you are using the new one inch high Quantum drives only three screws are required The ...

Page 10: ... after another in a daisy chain the lastdevice needssome special attentionThe endofthe SCSI busmust be terminated with terminating resistors Terminating resistor packs are small plastic packages usually with eight pins coming out of them The figure below shows a typical resistor pack Note Some SCSI peripherals do not have terminating pachs instead they have terminating plugs connectorswhich serve ...

Page 11: ...tions In otherwords this cable can be started at one SCSI device and then connected to a second and then to a third and soon If external SCSI devices are being used they need a different cable Thecable they use iswrapped in a thin metalfoil providinga shieldasper FCCregulation This isnecessarysothat the signals leavingyour computer do not interfere with other electronic devices This cable attaches...

Page 12: ... you become familiar with it and then proceed to do the actual installation The diagrams below show the outline of two typical Series 11 boards with the critical components highlighted Ill M ii 96 Autum AJm o 33 silln W a r sp riou booths Conmclor connector A2000 HC Serles II ll Ill ii iii m J5 J9 J4 J10 J12 cm Hard Drlvo am RAM 10 SCSIID LED Autobool Power smuswm Jumpers bootlng Jumpers Connector...

Page 13: ... the board for you it is essential that you ground yourself to the Amiga s chassis before handling any GVP product Please note the following The components on the GVP board are static sensitive When you remove your GVP board from its box you will notice that it is in a special plastic bag This bag protects the boardfrom any static electricity that might harmthe board It is importantto removethe bo...

Page 14: ...e cables be removed before taking the cover off the machine Step 2 The Amiga s case is secured by five screws Two of these screws are located on the right bottom side and two are located on the left bottom side The fifth screw is locatedon the back of the case at the top center Please refer to the diagrams below for the screw locations flag 0 l l l l l l 0 0 0 E BACK SIDE ll ...

Page 15: ...boardswhich havea harddrive mountedon them arewider than normal single slot boards it is necessaryto take into account what will be to the right of the board The GVP board will block the slot immediately to the right of the board Step 4 Onceyou decidewhich slotyou are goingto use you must removethe thin metal plate which blocks the back of the slot This thin metal plate hangs onthe rearportion oft...

Page 16: ... 2000 case Next use the screw that you removed from the slot blocker to secure the GVP card in place Step 6 This is only necessaryfor GVPcards that havean internalharddriveattached to them Next the LED on the Amiga that displays when you are accessingthe hard drive must be connected On the older 20005 the LED is green and on the newer 2000s the LED is amber This LED can be found just below the pow...

Page 17: ...by using GVP s FaaastPrep Please proceed to Chapter 9 for initialization procedures Warning lfaharddrive ismountedonyour GVP Impact Series ll Boardthen your Amiga 2000 should neverbeshipped with the Impact Series 11 board in your system Beforeshipping ie UPS FedEx US Mail etc always remove the GVP board This is because the single metalbracket that holds the board in place is not strong enough toho...

Page 18: ...is process Please check your lanus software to deter minewhether it is Version I or Version 2 andfollow the corresponding procedure for the rapid creation of your virtual drive NOTE The following assumes that you have 0 successfully completed the hardware installation of the Bridge board by following the instructions in its manual 0 successfully completed the hardware installation of your GVP hard...

Page 19: ...e file Cursor down through the various lines to find a line that reads Binddrivers If Binddrivers is not present you should add it about 7 10 lines from the top from the bottom if you haveanaccelerator card installed bytyping asingle RETURN at the end of the lineyou wish Binddrivers to follow and then typing Blnddrivers into the newly created empty line Refer to the AmigaDOS manual for instruction...

Page 20: ...his is your MS DOS boot disk and you will now modify it to facilitate the use of a virtual drive Still within the PC window type the following at the A prompt being careful to use the correct backslash key Copy con a config sys On the screen you will receivea new linewithout a prompt at which point you should type the following lines of text exactly asthey are shown below The comment column separa...

Page 21: ...rive letter C D E or F bychoice 2 AmigaDOS drive number partition set aside i e dhl dh2 3 AmigaDOS filename bychoice i e pcdrive mydisk etc 4 Virtual drive s i z e in kilobytes i e 15meg 15000 Our example drive created below uses the first example selection from eachofthefourgiven options above Youwill nowenterthefollowing line while substituting your own names and numbers in place of the example ...

Page 22: ...ompletedyourvirtual drive installation Inthe above example MS DOS drive c is the virtual hard drive contained on a file called dhl pcdrive of the Amiga side you should use the appropriate drive names and filename when you enter this line NOTE There are certain precautions that you should always follow to insure the future proper operation of your virtual hard drive I Always UNLINK the drive before...

Page 23: ...ence file Cursor down through the various lines to find a line that reads Binddrivers If Binddrivers is not present you should add it about 7 10 lines from the top from the bottom if you haveanaccelerator card installed bytyping asingle RETURN at the end of the line you wish Binddrivers to follow and then typing Binddrivers into the newly created empty line Refer to the AmigaDOS manual for instruc...

Page 24: ...Some versions of the A2088 board might hang the system in which case you should use the PCHard icon to reset it Step 4 At the new A prompt you will format the virtual drive by typing format C Is being careful to use the proper slash key When that finishes type xcopy a C Is to copy the first system disk to the virtual drive When the copy is complete type C to make the virtual drive the current dire...

Page 25: ... This option requires a minimum of input from the user and is the fastest way to set up your hard drive The Automatic Installation is appropriate for novice users as well as for those who desire a rapid hard drive installation without the immediate need for special options Manual This option gives the experienced user total control over their hard drive Parameters such as boot priority max transfe...

Page 26: ...in the lower left hand corner of the screen are two drive size indicators for your reference Onceyou have entered the number of partitions and their respective sizes you must decide the partition names FaaastPrep will offer you default partition nameswhichyou maychangeor accept IfyouChangethe names just position the cursor in the partition name box and re type the name followed by a return Note Pr...

Page 27: ...This will re mapany defective blocksthat adrive may have while keeping the data intact This re map will attempt to restore any data found on the bad blocks themselves Also you should always back up your hard drive prior to a bad block re map Note This function is not implementedfor AT drives DOS Format This is the equivalent of the AmigaDOS format Read Reads the rigid disk block and the partition ...

Page 28: ... Alternate File System currently not utilized Mem Type of memory that the buffers are allocated from E either fast or chip C Chip F Fastr Mask Address Mask to specify memory range that DMA transfers can u s e Use these gadgets to change the target drives ID number 25 ...

Page 29: ...ust currently be set to zero Here is an example struct MsgPort mp struct I O S t h e q 10 if mp CreatePort NULL 0 NULL if io CreateStdl0 mp NULL if 0penDevice gvpscsi device UNIT i0 0 0 SCSI commands go HERE CloseDevice io DeleteStle io DeletePort mp GVP s SCSI driver adheres to the standard defined in the include file devices scsidisk h sothe unit number hasthe following meaning The 1005digit is ...

Page 30: ...d FFS do notsupport otherblocksizes It ispossible however to use SCSI devices with a block size smaller than 512 bytes e g 20 meg lomega Bernoulli with 256 bytes sectors since our SCSI driver will handle requests of any size as long as it is a multiple of the current logical block size asunderstoodbythe SCSI drive This is also the reason our newdriverdoes not requirethe MountListMaxTransferkludgea...

Page 31: ... command supported by the SCSI device s firmware Here s an example on how this feature can be used struct l O S t h e q 10 struct SCSlCmd SC UBYTE command 12 io io_Command HD_SCS CMD io io_Length sizeofistruct SCSlCmd io io_Data APTR SC SC scsi_Data UWORD scsidata SC scsi_Length scsilength SC scsi_Command command SC scsi_CmdLength 6 SC scsi_Flags SCSlF_READ SCSIF_AUTOSENSE SC scsi_SenseData sensed...

Page 32: ...can be used when dealingwith SCSI DMAcontrollers These restrictions do not neces sarily apply to the GVP SCSI controller boards and or drivers they should however be taken intoaccount when writing software that is supposedto work with other manufacturer s SCSI controllers Memory regions usedfor DMAshould beat leastword aligned some controllers noneof GVP sthough even requirelongword alignment This...

Page 33: ...ileSystem resource and file system versionnumbers sothe SCSI driverwill automatically use a later ROM file system if one is available This enables you to use the Kickstart 2 0 ROM file system and all of its new features even though the drive might havebeenpreppedwith the 1 3 FFS It also requires much less memory One other advantage of the RDB standard is that you can move hard drives and cartridge...

Page 34: ...hat can be used to mount removable mediathat havenot beeninsertedat boot time Simply call it without any command line options Option s will cause vaMount to stick around until all SyOuests etc have been mounted default if you start it from Workbench This way it can be Run in your Startup Sequence Disconnect Version 3ofthe GVPSCSI devicedriverautomaticallyenablesall SCSI devices to disconnect if mo...

Page 35: ...erate with several SCSI devices at the same time you might wish to disable the Disconnect Reselect feature If you only have a single SCSI device connected the driver will use the nasty mode by default References 1 American National Standard for Information Systems Small Computer System Interface SCSI ANSI X3 131 1986 American National Standards Institute Inc 2 Commodore Amiga Inc Amiga ROM Kernel ...

Page 36: ...nce DMA transfers to and from hard disk SCSI data transfer rates of up to 3 58MB sec for SCSI peripherals Amiga 2000 expansion bus host interface Auto configs both Fast RAM and SCSI controller Internal 50 pin SCSI connector External 25 pin SCSI connector D825 Macintosh compatible pinout Power requirements 5V 5 o 2 2 Amps maximum Ambient temperature 00 550 C Relative Humidity 20 80 33 ...

Page 37: ...B 1 9 Ground 22 DB 2 10 DB 3 23 DB 4 ll DB S 24 Ground 12 DB 6 25 TPWR l3 DB 7 INTERNAL SCSI CONNECTOR PINOUT Pin Name 50 VD 48 REO 46 C D 44 SEL 42 MSG 40 RST 38 ACK 36 BSY 34 Ground 32 ATN 30 Ground 28 Ground 26 Not Used 24 Ground 22 Ground 20 Ground 18 DB P All odd 16 03 7 pins 14 DB 6 except pin 12 1313 5 25 are 10 DB 4 ground 8 1313 3 Pin 25is i 335 not 11 d 5e 2 DB O 34 ...

Page 38: ...ct byadjustment repair replacement or refund at Great Valley Products election Great Valley Products will in noevent be liableforany direct indirect or consequentialdamagesto any equipment used with any hardware or software sold by Great Valley Products Any software provided is sold or licenced AS IS The entire riskasto its quality performance or fitness for any particular purpose is assumed by th...

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