GULBRANSEN E Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for E

Page 1: ...I t I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I t 7 fir 4 tr b t LY ...

Page 2: ...ricolDoto Kcyboordsond Control3 Percuision ond Rcverberotion Chimesond the Chimcs Pre Set Piston Stop Tablets 4 Generol Intormotion Using thc Sp oking Stop The Care of Your Non Speaking Stops 5 Gulbransen Organ 10 Gontents Genlrol Informotion Th Trcholo Pedol Sustoin Omaga 7 Registration 8 Accegsories 11 ...

Page 3: ...s manual is to acquaint you with ihis new orsan to pmvide the basic inlormation you wilt need in th op mtion of its contrcls and to sup ply instructioN p rtinent to the small amount of spe cial care it will r quire We sincerely urse that you read the nanual all th way through before starting l o play You will want to read variou8 sections asain as your playinS pro ficiency increases The tim you sp...

Page 4: ...soknownas the upp rkeyboardor Soto manual cenerally it is playedwith the ght hand but many times it is played with both hands or ju t the left hand alone GREAT iIANUAI This is also known as th lower keyboard or Accom paniment manual Althoush thelefr hed is senerally used on thb manual thelo a 6 hary occ 8ions whet both hands are used or just the risht hand alone PEDATKEYBOARD Th pedal keyboad or p...

Page 5: ... i 1 f t ...

Page 6: ... but affect the sperking stoF Thele are exprained in detail in the section mverinS non 8pe3kins Etops Using the Speaking Stops There ale no set rul regarding the eSistration of the or8an This is a matt r of taste and dep ndsupon the o ganist and the s l ction beins plaved The sinSle exc ption to this is that you should nev r us the f actional atDps 13 6 22ht 5y3 by thems lve They ehould be us d in...

Page 7: ... es of music or hen a bert is desir d The Tremolo nre Trenola is the wavering effect qihich is fr quently heard in the violin and other stringed instru ment In the Gutbmnaen o gan ir is the result of the acoustical heatment appljed by th builtin tun speedlasliz Trenolo Systcn actins in mnjunc tion with a top 8 de audio amplifier a high quality loudsp akerand a scientifically dedsned loudsp aker mc...

Page 8: ...ol to th ir b st advantage The Balancer Controls The SweLl fl tsblet located with the Swell Manual stop and the Grcot nf nd Creat ff t bleta locltxd with the Gr at Mmual stop sovem the comparativ volun of the two keyboards When both ll tablets a depre sedthe manuals play at full voluDe With the aid ol the Bak Ecer Control tablets it ig easy to properly balance the volume of one manual 8el ct d for...

Page 9: the lelt a te neDerberation Shott adnd Reuerberutitn Lone P eyeb bemtion is sn acoulticrl effect which pernits rhe achievement of cathedml like tonal quality even m the limit d acousticsof the nalle t living oom It is invaluable in playing chuch orsan mulic or theatre orSanmusic The fouth and fifth pistor Imh the left PercB sfr4 8lor and PercussionLone govem the tonal decay charact ristics Sinc...

Page 10: ...rc rearn ing to play Therc are no set rules resarding registratjon it is a metter of peEonal tasi e We urge that you experjment ltith the sfop iablets to find combinations which are pleasing to you To assist you lve have inctuded A few6uggested rcgigtrationE in thi6rectionandcall to your attentionthc musicbooksyou rcccivcdwithyour orsan Theseare jusi a icw combinations we susgest while you are gei...

Page 11: ...o Stou Greatff CHURCII ORGAN Diapason16 ftuk I Bowdon 16 MeIIow ReuerberutionLong I I I I I I POPLJI IR I Li ely Bour Lon18 I ibn 4 Tierce 1 3 5l Flute 8l Flute 4 Bourdon16 Bright PoP II AR T ibia 8 Flute 8l d r F F S b R E J POP LAR Tibia 8 Piccolo 2 Flute 8 Gredtml POPULAR Flute I Ndzatd 2 2 3 POPULAR Flure 8l NOV i I TY Quint 5 1 3 Fifc 1 sueult French Ltorn 8 Maior Bass16 tlot b tsl lfect plat...

Page 12: ...YSTEM The tones generat dby the tone generatorarc ampli fied by a hish power amplifi This arnplifier is mo rnt d on the k ybed behind the playing keys The output fron the amplifier is converted inlo sound by a loud speake contained jn a specially desiSned loud speaker enclosure at the right end oI CONIROI OF MAXIMU VI VOTUME Wher the organis to be u8edin a smallroom it may be preferable to limit t...

Page 13: ... question while operatins the srop tablet on md off a number of times This causesa f iction o rubbins action that will clean rhe contact In a new orsan an occasronalcontact may be dirty due to the deposit on the bus bar of a smal quantiiy of rcsjn as a rdult of the solderins process used in assembly These contacts are easily cleaned as p above and once cleaned will nor give houble EXTERNAL ORADDIT...

Page 14: ... in accord utth the prouisions contained in the Wa anty uhich j ou receired bith the Organ Please be sure to read you Watrunty and return the rcgistrution cod to the rctoty at loo lirst 2 0 5 0 N o r t h R u b y S l r e e f M e l r o r e P o r k l l l i n o i s ...

Page 15: ...G U L B R A N S E N T R A N S I S T O B O B G Dave s Electronic Service 105A EEst P6nn Slreet Hoop ston lL 60942 21 7 289501 0 ...
