Menu setting “2=>ASI ASI=>MB”
Transport stream 1 (channel strip ”
”) and the transport stream fed via the ASI
input (channel strip ”
”, ”MB”) are provided at the LAN interface equipped
with IP addresses. The transport stream 2 is made available via the ASI output.
2.4.3 General
The cassette is equipped with two channel strips (“
” and “
”). The channel
strips consist of the digital SAT tuners and the digital signal processing levels.
In the head-end station display, the channel strips of the cassette are indicated
with “
Bx …A
” or “
Bx …B
”. The channel strip “
” can decode encoded services
via a corresponding CA module. The cassette is controlled with the head-end
station control unit.
Two LEDs provide an indication of the quality of the SAT IF input signal with their
colour. The quality of the received transport stream can also be shown in the
display (“
” menu). The LEDs for the LAN interface show whether a network
connection exists and whether a data transfer is in progress.
The integrated TPS module (Transport Stream Processing) processes the data
from the demodulated transport streams.
When the head-end station is switched on, the two-line LC display shows the
software version of the control unit.
To operate this cassette the software version of the control unit must be “
V 40
or higher. You can find the current operating software for the control unit and
the cassette, the software “
” required for updating and the current as-
sembly instructions on the website “
The cassette is designed for use in the following head-end stations:
– STC 1200
– STC 316
– STR 19-8
– PST 19-1
ASI output
LAN interface
ASI input
Transport stream 1
Transport stream 2
Channel strip "
Channel strip "