Assembly Guide for THE GRYPHON POSEIDON Reference Speaker System
If you have any questions, please contact our service department referring to document no.:Poseidon assembly guide.doc
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Removing transport panels and mounting stands:
CAUTION! The Poseidon tower are a very heavy and should
only be moved by 3-4 people to avoid damage or injury. When
the speaker is upright, it can be turned and placed
approximately at the intended position.
1. Carefully place the bottom end of the speaker on the
support stand in order to lift the transport panel from the
floor - as shown on the picture 1.
2. Remove the transport panel and mount the stands.
Please refer to the next page for an overview of the location
of the bolts
Please note orientation of the Gryphon Logos on the
stands as shown on picture 2 (for a woofer tower)
3. Place a piece of carpet under the bottom rear end of the
tower in order not to damage the rear part of the acrylic
bottom plate while raising the tower
- unless you have a carpet on the floor already -
4. With a firm grip on the top transport panel, carefully raise
the tower to an upright position.
5. The top transport panel can be removed later.
Until everything else is finished, it is a good idea to have the
panel to hold when moving the speaker.
6. Repeat the above for all four towers.
Picture 2
Picture 1