In the course of installation, make sure the seal watertight of boxes of connection by means of the
cable glands. In the event of water infiltration into the connection box, the presence of this element on
the contacts causes voltage drops in the circuit and, consequently, a drop in the power generated. The
remedy consists in cleaning the terminals of connection and the replacement of the joint of the box
connections or cable, if they are defective. In this operation, it is useful to use terminal sprays used in the
electronics field .
Shadow effect
The effect shadow or of point heat is caused by a shadow punctual in one or several cells of the
GruppoSTG Fabbrica Srl
module while the rest receives a radiation high. It should put a remedy to such a
situation by eliminating the cause of the shadows. In order to avoid deterioration of the cells, they will
predispose the diodes of protection referred to in Chapter
Defects of manufacture
manufacturing defects, if present, is normally detected during the first days of operation. They are ,
however, quite rare, with an incidence to the of under of one per thousand, given the strict control of
quality done at the establishment
GruppoSTG Fabbrica Srl.