Due to the "Week Number Rollover" (WNRO) it is possible that the Grundig navigation
system shows a different date after the 6
of April. Occasionally it can also happen
that other irregularities (will) occur.
The WNRO takes place once every 19 years. The rollover is a result of the internal
satellite storage numerator. The numerator of these satellites jumps back to zero
after every 19.7 years.
Irregularities that occur due to the WNRO, could be solved by performing this
firmware update.
Unfortunately, not all Grundig navigation systems can get a new firmware update.
This firmware update is suitable for the Grundig M6, M8 and M10.
The update is NOT suitable for the Grundig MF1, M1 and DP1.
Not every M5 is suitable for a firmware update.
Look closely at the model of a Grundig M5! The difference in model is best shown at
the back of the M5.
A firmware update is only suitable for this model:
A firmware update is NOT suitable for the following model: