Grundig GRND 5100 User Manual Download Page 1

GRNE 4651-GRNE 4651 S-GRNE 4301

GRND 5100 I-GRND 5100 -GRND 5110

GRNE 4652-GRNE 5050


Kullanma kılavuzu


User Manual

              TR/ EN



57 7589 0000/AT   TR-EN

Summary of Contents for GRND 5100

Page 1: ...GRNE 4651 GRNE 4651 S GRNE 4301 GRND 5100 I GRND 5100 GRND 5110 GRNE 4652 GRNE 5050 Buzdolab Kullanma k lavuzu Refrigerator User Manual TR EN 57 7589 0000 AT TR EN...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...5 8 Yumurtal k 33 5 9 Fan 33 5 10 Sebzelik 33 5 11 Hareketli kap raf 34 5 12 Kayar saklama kab 34 5 13 Nem kontroll sebzelik 35 5 14 Otomatik buz makinas 35 5 15 Koku filtresi 36 5 16 Mavi k 36 5 17...

Page 4: ...zunu okuyun G venlikle ilgili talimatlara mutlaka uyun Daha sonra ihtiyac n z olabilece i i in kullanma k lavuzunu kolay ula abilece iniz bir yerde saklay n retici r n zerinde de i iklik yapma hakk n...

Page 5: ...a a a daki benzer uygulamalar i in kullan lmak zere tasarlanm t r Ma azalarda ofislerde ve di er al ma ortamlar ndaki personel mutfa nda kullan lmak zere iftlik evlerinde ve otellerde motellerde ve ko...

Page 6: ...n fi i prizden tutarak ekin Cihaz konumland r rken g kablosunun s k mamas na ve hasar g rmemesine dikkat edin Cihaz n arkas na oklu ta nabilir priz veya ta nabilir g kaynaklar yerle tirmeyin Priz gev...

Page 7: ...aporat rdeki gaz kanallar n n boru uzant lar n n ve st y zey kaplamalar n n delinmesi durumunda p sk recek so utma gaz cilt tahri ine ve g z yaralanmalar na sebep olur Buzdolab n zdaki havaland rma de...

Page 8: ...t rmamaya dikkat edin Buzmakinesi al rken i ine elinizi veya yabanc cisimler sokmay n Side by Side buzdolab n za su ba lant s yap lmal d r Hen z muslu unuz mevcut de ilse ve bir tesisat a rman z gere...

Page 9: ...potansiyel yang n kaynaklar ndan uzak tutun ve r n n bulundu u oday havaland r n C r n hasar g rm se ve gaz k g zlemlerseniz l tfen gazdan uzak durun cilt temas nda so uk yan na neden olabilir R134 d...

Page 10: ...lamak i in kullan lmal d r retici yanl kullan mdan ya da nakliyeden kaynaklanan herhangi bir hasar n sorumlulu u stlenmemektedir r n n sat n alma tarihinden itibaren 10 y l boyunca orijinal yedek par...

Page 11: ...Ambalaj Bilgileri r n n ambalaj malzemeleri Ulusal evre Mevzuat na uygun geri d n t r lebilir malzemelerden retilmi tir Ambalaj malzemelerini evsel at klarla veya di er at klarla birlikte atmay n Bu m...

Page 12: ...raf 2 S cakl k ayar d mesi 3 Yumurtal k 4 Su p nar doldurma haznesi 5 Su p nar deposu 6 Kap raf alt saklama kab 7 Hareketli kap raf 8 Ayarlanabilir ayaklar 9 Sebzelik 10 S f r derece b lmesi 11 Kilit...

Page 13: ...dan g ne na maruz b rakmay n ve rutubetli yerde bulundurmay n r n n n verimli al abilmesi i in evresinde uygun bir hava dola m olmal d r r n duvara girintili bir yere yerle tirilecekseniz tavanla ve y...

Page 14: ...inde ortaya kacak zararlardan firmam z sorumlu olmayacakt r Elektrik kablosunun fi i kurulumdan sonra kolay eri ilebilir olmal d r Buzdolab n z ile duvar prizi aras nda uzatma kablolu veya kablosuz ok...

Page 15: ...15 TR 10 10 5 4 1 6 4 12 13 3 7 8 9 14 19 19 22 17 180 23 21 16 15 24 24 11 45 2 20 18 3 5 Kap lar n y n n n de i tirilmesi...

Page 16: ...16 3 6 Kap lar n y n n n de i tirilmesi 1 5 10 11 3 6 7 8 19 18 14 13 9 45 2 17 16 12 4 15 20...

Page 17: ...dilmi tir Kolayl k ve enerji t ketiminde verimlilik sa lad i in dondurucu b lmenin i inde ve kap s nda bulunan raflar kar lmamal ve herzaman kullan lmal d r Dondurucu b lme fan yanlar na g da koyarak...

Page 18: ...k e a may n C Kompres r al maya ba lad nda bir ses duyacaks n z So utma sistemi i erisindeki s k m s v ve gazlar kompres r al m yor olsa da ses karmas normaldir C Buzdolab n n n kenarlar n n s cak olm...

Page 19: 4 C konumunda kullan lmas nerilmektedir Di er ortam s cakl klar nda bu de er ihtiyaca g re art r l p azalt labilir C Bu kullan m k lavuzunda ekiller ematik olup r n n zle birebir uyum i inde olmaya...

Page 20: ...12 saat a lmaz ise Tatil fonksiyonu otomatik olarak devreye girecektir Fonksiyonu iptal etmek i in d me ayar de i tirilmelidir Tatil fonksiyonu aktifken so utucu b lmede g da saklanmas nerilmez Ayar i...

Page 21: ...ucu b lme g stergesi 2 Hata durumu g stergesi 3 S cakl k g stergesi 4 Tatil fonksiyon d mesi 5 S cakl k ayar d mesi 6 B lme se im d mesi 7 So utucu b lme g stergesi 8 Ekonomi modu g stergesi 9 Tatil f...

Page 22: ...k g stergesinde ibaresi g r n r ve so utucu b lmesinde hi bir aktif so utma i lemi ger ekle tirilmez Bu fonksiyonda yiyeceklerinizi so utucu b lmesinde tutman z uygun de ildir Di er b lmeler bunlar i...

Page 23: ...una bas larak uyar silinebilir Herhangi bir d meye bas mla iptal her modelde ge erli de ildir Ayr ca bir sens r ar zas olu tu unda bu g sterge yanar Bu g stergenin yanmas ile birlikte s cakl k g sterg...

Page 24: ...l s rayla 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 8 de erlerine ayarlanabilir So utucu b lme s cakl n istedi iniz de ere ayarlamak i in bu d meye bas n 5 Tatil fonksiyonu Tatil fonksiyonunu aktive etmek i in bu d meye 3 saniye...

Page 25: ili iken su tank ndan su al m duracakt r Ancak buzmatikteki daha nce yap lm buzlar al nabilir 11 H zl dondurma fonksiyonu d mesi buzmatik a ma kapatma d mesi H zl dondurma fonksiyonunu etkinle tir...

Page 26: ...lme 18 C ye ayarland nda yanar H zl so ut veya h zl dondur fonksiyonlar se ildi inde ekonomik kullan m g stergesi s ner 2 Y ksek s cakl k hata uyar s Bu g sterge y ksek s cakl k ar zas durumunda ve h...

Page 27: z uygun de ildir Di er b lmeler bunlar i in ayarlanm s cakl klara g re so utulmaya devam edecektir Bu fonksiyonu iptal etmek i in tekrar tatil fonksiyonu d mesine bas n 6 So utucu b lme s cakl k ay...

Page 28: ...l r D meye bas ld nda dondurucu b lme s cakl 18 19 20 21 22 23 ve 24 de erlerine ayarlanabilir 11 H zl dondurma H zl dondurma i lemi i in d meye bas n h zl dondurma g stergesi devreye girecektir H zl...

Page 29: ...nda yanar Uzun s re elektrik kesintisi oldu unda dondurucu b lme s cakl n n ula t en s cak de er digital g stergede yan p s ner Dondurucu b lme g dalar kontrol edildikten sonra alarm off d mesine bas...

Page 30: ...n z uygun de ildir Di er b lmeler bunlar i in ayarlanm s cakl klara g re so utulmaya devam edecektir Bu fonksiyonu iptal etmek i in tekrar tatil fonksiyonu d mesine bas n 6 So utucu b lme s cakl k aya...

Page 31: ...p l r D meye bas ld nda dondurucu b lme s cakl 18 19 20 21 22 23 ve 24 de erlerine ayarlanabilir 11 H zl dondurma H zl dondurma i lemi i in d meye bas n h zl dondurma g stergesi devreye girecektir H z...

Page 32: ...y n nde evirerek yerine oturtunuz Su buz haznesine d k lecektir Buz olu tuktan sonra buz haznesi d mesini ok y n nde evirerek buzlar n Buz ekmecesine d k lmesini sa lay n z Buz ekmecesini ekerek buzl...

Page 33: tasarlanm t r Fan n al ma zaman r n n z n zelli ine g re farkl l k g sterebilir Baz r nlerde fan sadece kompres r ile birlikte al rken baz lar nda so utma ihtiyac na g re al aca zaman kontrol sist...

Page 34: Raf a a ya da yukar hareket ettiriniz Raf istedi iniz konuma getirdi inizde butonlar b rak n z Raf butonlar b rakt n z yerde tekrar sabitlenecektir 5 12 Kayar saklama kab Bu zellik opsiyoneldir Bu...

Page 35: ...di i durumlarda po et yerine belirli bir g zeneklili e sahip ka t vb ambalaj malzemeleri kullan n z Elma ba ta olmak zere etilen gaz retimi y ksek olan armut kay s eftali gibi meyveleri di er sebze me...

Page 36: ...Muhafazay kapatarak tekrar HerbBox HerbFresh nitesine yerle tiriniz HerbBox HerbFresh b lmeleri zellikle hassas ko ullarda saklanmas gereken ot e itlerinin depolanmas i in idealdir Po etinden kar lm...

Page 37: ...llan lmas Su p nar n z n kolunu barda n zla it tirin Kolu b rakt n zda p nar n al mas durur Su p nar n al t r rken kola tam ba s ld nda maksimum ak sa lan r P nardan ne kadar su akt n n kola hangi ora...

Page 38: ...n ma uygun olmayan ba ka bir s v doldurmay n Bu t r s v lar kullan l rsa su p nar ar zalanacak ve onar lamaz hasar meydana gelecektir Garanti bu t r kullan mlar kapsamaz Bu t r i ecek s v lardaki baz...

Page 39: iki taraf ndan tutarak 45 derece a ile yerinden kar n Su deposu kapa n kararak temizleyin C Su deposu ve su p nar bile enleri bula k maki nesinde y kanmamal d r 5 23 Su tepsisi Su p nar kullan l rk...

Page 40: ...nce paketlemeye dikkat edin Klasik ambalaj ka tlar yerine dondurucu kaplar n folyolar n ve nem ge irmeyen ka d plastik torba veya di er paketleme malzemelerini kullan n C Dondurucu b lmelerindeki buz...

Page 41: ...G da ambalaj n n hasarl olmamas na dikkat edin 5 26 Derin dondurucu bilgileri IEC 62552 standartlar na g re her 100 litre dondurucu b lme hacmi i in r n n 25 C oda s cakl nda 4 5 kg l k g da maddesin...

Page 42: ...yar s hem sesli hem de g rsel olarak kullan c ya g sterilir Uyar 10 dk boyunca devam etti i takdirde i ayd nlatmalar kapan r 5 29 Kap a l y n de i imi Kulland n z yere g re buzdolab n z n kap a l y n...

Page 43: ...temizlik maddesi kullanmay n z Klor bu t r metal y zeylerde paslanmaya neden olur 6 1 K t kokular n nlenmesi r n n z n retiminde kokuya neden olacak hi bir madde kullan lmamaktad r Ancak uygun olmaya...

Page 44: ...s a k kalm t r r n n kap s n uzun s re a k tutmay n Termostat ok so uk bir de ere ayarlanm t r Termostat uygun de ere ayarlay n Kompres r al m yor Ani elektrik kesilmesinde veya fi in kar l p tak lma...

Page 45: ...p kontrol edin So utucu s cakl ok d k ama dondurucu s cakl yeterli So utucu b lme s cakl ok d k bir de ere ayarlanm t r So utucu b lme s cakl n daha y ksek bir dereceye ayarlay p kontrol edin So utucu...

Page 46: ...zemesi kullan n Yiyecekler r ne a z a k kaplarda konulmu tur Yiyecekleri kapal kaplarda saklay n A z a k saklanan yiyeceklerden yay lan mikroorganizmalar k t kokulara neden olabilir Saklama s resi dol...

Page 47: ...ele al r ve de erlendiririz Bu geri bildirimleri s re lerimizin daha m kemmel hale getirilmesinde kullan r z t Ar elik olarak m kemmel m teri deneyimini ya atmay ana ilke olarak kabul eder m teri odak...

Page 48: ...Hizmet talebinin al nmas Memnun Memnun de il Hizmet talebi analizi Hizmet hakk nda m terinin bilgilendirilmesi Ke if nakliye montaj bilgi onar m de i im vb Hizmet hakk nda gerekli i lemin ger ekle tir...

Page 49: ...dana gelen hasar ve ar zalar 4 Do a olaylar ve yang n su bask n vb kaynakl meydana gelen hasar ve ar zalar 5 Mal n tan tma ve kullanma k lavuzlar nda yer alan hususlara ayk r kullan lmas ndan kaynakla...

Page 50: ...ez Bu talebin yerine getirilmemesi durumunda sat c retici ve ithalat m teselsilen sorumludur 6 lgili mevzuatlarda belirlenen kullan m mr s resince mal n azami tamir s resi 20 i g n n ge emez Bu s re g...

Page 51: ...5 8 Egg holder 25 5 9 Ice container 26 5 10 Fan 26 5 11 Crisper 26 5 12 Chiller compartment 26 5 13 Moving door shelf 27 5 14 Sliding storage container 27 5 15 Blue light 27 5 16 Humidity controlled c...

Page 52: ...Read the manual before installing and operating your product Follow the instructions especially those for safety Keep the manual in an easily accessible place as you may need it later Besides read als...

Page 53: ...s in shops offices and other working environments farm houses and by clients in hotels motels and other residential type environments bed and breakfast type environments catering and similar non retai...

Page 54: ...with wet hands It may adhere to your hands Do not place liquids in bottles and cans into the freezer compartment They may explode Place liquids in upright position after tightly closing the lid Do not...

Page 55: ...ave not been used for 48 h flush the water system connected to a water supply if water has not been drawn for 5 days Store raw meat and fish in suitable containers in the refrigerator so that it is no...

Page 56: ...reezing of the hoses Water temperature operating interval shall be 33 F 0 6 C minimum and 100 F 38 C maximum Use drinking water only 1 2 Intended use This product is designed for home use It is not in...

Page 57: ...horities to learn about these collection centers 1 5 Compliance with RoHS Directive This product complies with EU WEEE Directive 2011 65 EU It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials specifi...

Page 58: ...Temperature setting button 3 Water dispenser filling tank 4 Egg section 5 Water dispenser reservoir 6 Storage container under the door shelf 7 Moving door shelf 8 Adjustable feet 9 Crisper 10 Chiller...

Page 59: ...e the product on an even floor surface to prevent jolts Install the product at least 30 cm away from heat sources such as hobs heater cores and stoves and at least 5 cm away from electrical ovens Prod...

Page 60: ...Damaged power cable must be replaced by the Authorized Service Agent C If two coolers are to be installed side by side there should be at least 4 cm distance between them Our company shall not be lia...

Page 61: ...sehold room illumination The intended purpose of this lamp is to assist the user to place foodstuffs in the refrigerator freezer in a safe and comfortable way 3 6 Open door warning An audio warning wi...

Page 62: ...12 3 7 Reversing the doors Proceed in numerical order 10 10 5 4 1 6 4 12 13 3 7 8 9 14 19 19 22 17 180 23 21 16 15 24 24 11 45 2 20 18...

Page 63: ...13 TR 3 8 Reversing the doors Proceed in numerical order 1 5 10 11 3 6 7 8 19 18 14 13 9 45 2 17 16 12 4 15 20...

Page 64: ...side the freezer compartment and on the door of freezer compartment shall not be removed and they shall always be used they provide ease of use and efficiency in energy consumption Airflow should not...

Page 65: ...required C You will hear a noise when the compressor starts up The liquids and gases sealed within the refrigeration system may also give rise to noise even if the compressor is not running and this...

Page 66: ...ate the temperature values in C If the ambient temperature is 25 C we recommend you to use the temperature control knob of your refrigerator at 4 C This value may be increased or decreased as required...

Page 67: ...d to the hottest position then the vacation function will be activated automatically To cancel the function change the knob setting It is not recommended to store food in cooler compartment when the v...

Page 68: ...ator 3 Temperature indicator 4 Vacation function button 5 Temperature setting button 6 Compartment selection button 7 Freezer compartment indicator 8 Economy mode indicator 9 Vacation function indicat...

Page 69: ...the fridge compartment temperature indicator and no active cooling is performed on the fridge compartment It is not suitable to keep the food in the fridge compartment when this function is activated...

Page 70: ...e purchased then those parts are valid for other models 1 Economy This symbol is illuminated when the freezer compartment is set to 18 C ye as the most economical setting value Economy indicator is tu...

Page 71: ...ure To cancel this function press Vacation function button again 6 Fridge compartment tempera ture setting When the button no 6 is pressed you may set the temperature of the fridge compartment to 8 7...

Page 72: ...e of the freezer compartment to 18 19 20 21 22 23 and 24 respectively 11 Fast freeze Press button no 11 for fast freeze operation quick freeze indicator shall be activated Quick freeze indicator is il...

Page 73: ...uct Just press the inscriptions on relevant buttons for function settings for a long time energy saving function is automatically activated and energy saving symbol is illuminated When energy saving f...

Page 74: ...e compartment to 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and 1 respectively 7 1 Energy saving function disp lay off Energy saving symbol is illuminated and Energy saving function is activated when you press this button When en...

Page 75: of the freezer compartment to 18 19 20 21 22 23 and 24 respectively 11 Fast freeze Press button no 11 for fast freeze operation quick freeze indicator shall be activated Quick freeze indicator is i...

Page 76: ...ion of the arrow to allow that the ice is dropped down to the ice drawer Take the ice cubes by pulling ice drawer out Pull the front face towards you in order to wash the icebank and put it on the sli...

Page 77: ...s only with the compressor in some products the control system determines its opera tion time in some products in accor dance with the cooling requirement 5 11 Crisper Crisper of the product is design...

Page 78: ...ere you release the buttons 5 14 Sliding storage container This feature is optional This accessory is designed to increase the usable volume of the door shelves It allows you to easily place the tall...

Page 79: ...acting with other vegetables is not preferred for hygiene concerns use a perforated paper and other similar packaging materials instead of a bag Do not place together the pear apricot peach etc and ap...

Page 80: ...e C Odor filter must be cleaned once in a year 5 19 HerbBox HerbFresh Remove the film container from HerbBox HerbFresh Take the film out of the bag and put it into the film container as shown in the i...

Page 81: ...amount of pressure on the lever to avoid overflow If you slightly press the arm the water will drip this is quite normal and not a failure 5 21 Filling the water dispenser s tank Water tank filling r...

Page 82: ...e door rack 2 Remove the door rack by holding from both sides 3 Grab the water tank from both si des and remove it with an angle of 45 C 4 Remove the cover of the water tank and clean the tank C Compo...

Page 83: ...3 Drip tray Water that dripped while using the water dispenser accumulates in the spillage tray Remove the plastic filter as shown in the figure With a clean and dry cloth remove the water that has ac...

Page 84: ...d before putting them in the freezer Use freezer containers foils and moisture proof papers plastic bags and other packing materials instead of traditional packing papers Label each pack of food by ad...

Page 85: ...ct shall freeze at least 4 5 kg of food at 25 C ambient temperature to 18 C or lower within 24 hours for every 100 litres of freezer volume It is possible to preserve the food for a long time only at...

Page 86: ...ref rigerator can be changed according to the place you are using it If this is necessary please call your nearest Authorized Service Above description is a general exp ression For information on cha...

Page 87: bottom to install Never use cleaning agents or water that contain chlorine to clean the outer surfaces and chromium coated parts of the product Chlorine causes corrosion on such metal surfaces Do n...

Page 88: ...erial damage Keeping the glass clean becomes too difficult despite the regular cleaning Consequently the appearance and the transparency of the glass deteriorates Harsh and corrosive cleaning methods...

Page 89: ...ent in closed containers Door of the refrigerator is left ajar Do not leave the doors of your refrigerator open for a long time Thermostat is set to a very cold level Set the thermostat to a suitable...

Page 90: ...he doors frequently Freezer or fridge compartment door might be left ajar Check if the doors are closed completely The refrigerator is adjusted to a very low temperature Adjust the refrigerator temper...

Page 91: enough to carry the refrigerator and level The items put onto the refrigerator may cause noise Remove the items on top of the refrigerator There are noises coming from the refrigerator like liquid...

Page 92: ...fore dates and spoiled from the refrigerator The door is not closing Food packages are preventing the door from closing Replace the packages that are obstructing the door The refrigerator is not compl...

Page 93: ...Notes...

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