Thank you for purchasing the Multi Flow Hydroponic System. The Multi Flow is an “ebb and flow” or
“fill and drain” type hydroponic system. The operation is simple, the pots are filled from the bottom then
drained back out. This simple process evenly moistens all the roots in each pot. Ebb and flow is one of the
simplest and most reliable methods of hydroponic gardening.
Ebb and flow systems are usually limited to small plants placed close together in a large tray. The entire
tray is filled watering the plants. With plants over 18 inches tall in a tray system, the plants must be spaced far
apart for proper growth. So the tray is mostly empty space that must be filled each time, using a lot of water.
The Multi Flow overcomes this problem by using individual pots connected together at the base. Each of
the pots can be spaced as far apart as needed without using more water. The pots are actually two parts, the base
and the insert. The inserts can be removed without disconnecting the tubing. The advantage of this is, if you
have plants in different stages of growth, some of the bases can be placed close together and some farther apart.
When the new plants grow to a point where they are crowding each other, just lift out the inserts and place them
in the bases that are farther apart.
Revised September 16, 2020