ox. 20’
ox. 7’
Low Tunnel Kit
Assembly Instructions
Layout the site according to the drawing
and how many hoops you think you will use.
Do not drive the stakes yet. Approximate
measurements will suffice for layout.
Prepare a low tunnel hoop for installation onto the ground stake.
Each assembly contains one curved hoop section and two legs, one
for each side. You may choose to use the legs for more height or use
only the curved hoop and no legs for a shorter tunnel. You can change
the height of the tunnel to accommodate your plants as they grow.
Slide each side of the hoop onto ground stakes. Stand the hoop up
and position it where you would like, then press or hammer the stakes
into the ground. The plate on the stake should sit at ground level.
Adjust the hoop so it is even and level.
(continue on back)