Water Monitoring System
User Manual
of 82
Ver. 1.1 – Revision March 2022
5.3 Commissioning
This section describes the commissioning process of the WMS. To operate
the system successfully, it is important that the user reads this section in
detail and becomes familiarized with the functions and features available in
the system.
5.3.1 Check ethernet settings
IP address setting
The WMS will be delivered with a default Modbus IP address.
To configure this IP address, the user must change to Level 2 and navigate
to System Settings. Here it is possible to change the PLC Ethernet 2 address
which is used for Modbus communication with external systems.
To change the IP address and subnet mask, press the green boxes on
Figure 4.8 and enter a valid address.
When done, press the button “Change IP” and wait for the text “Done” to
indicate a successful configuration.
5.3.2 Modbus map
The WMS communicates with external systems via MODBUS TCP/IP
or optional MODBUS RTU. Figure 5.1 shows details, values, and which
addresses to access for specific parameters.