YP1630F-1630 and YP1630F-1670
Maintenance and Lubrication
Great Plains
| 401-832M | 2018-07-31
Fertilizer Unloading and Clean-Out
When application is completed, it is commonly the case
that some fertilizer remains. There may be fertilizer in the
hopper, fertilizer in the airbox, a small amount of fertilizer
in the hose lines.
Fertilizer Unloading
A normal system unload is a 2 step process.
A. Empty airbox and hopper.
B. Blow residual fertilizer to rows.
Environmental Risk:
Agricultural chemicals can be dangerous, including treatments
on seeds and components of fertilizers. Improper use can
seriously injure persons, animals, plants, soil and property.
C o m p l y w i th s u p p l i e r , l o c a l , r e g i on a l a n d n a t i o n a l
requirements for recovery and handling of fertilizer.
Move the planter to a location suitable for recovery of
fertilizer beneath rows.
Place tarps or buckets under applicator tubes of
fertilizer coulters.
Open Calibration door
first. A small amount of
material may fall onto the collection area.
Open Clean-Out door
second. Expect material to
flow in significant volume until the hopper is empty.
Install calibration crank (see
Seed Rate Manual
Set variable rate gear box to and scale reading
above 50. Rotate the crank until no material flows
from the doors.
Engage the hydraulic fan at normal field manifold
When material is no longer flowing from the
calibration and clean-out doors, close the doors.
When material is no longer flowing at rows, shut off
the fan.
If the planter will not be used again for an extended
period, complete the steps at “
10. Move planter from collection area and recover
11. Open calibration and clean-out doors. Wipe down
doors and bottom of meter.
12. Close doors. For temporary parking or transport,
fully close doors. For storage, close doors only until
elastomer seals begin to touch meter housing, so
that condensation can drain. Do not leave doors
open wide enough for pest entry.
Figure 78
Meter Doors Open
Dust and Chemical Fume Hazard:
Wear a respirator, and any other protective equipment
specified by the seed and/or seed treatment supplier.
Expect dust and fumes during hopper clean-out.
Entrapment and Rapid Suffocation Hazard:
Never routinely enter a hopper.
Keep strainer in place at all times.
A hopper that is full or merely
appears full can be an
entrapment hazard. You can
sink entirely into the material,
or into an oxygen-deficient
void, and suffocate in a matter
of seconds. Bridges and crusts
are especially dangerous.
When hazardous fumes are present, you can be quickly
overcome even with the hopper lid open.
Do not enter a hopper for material loading, material
unloading, hopper cleaning or meter maintenance.
Clean hopper by power washing from outside hopper top.