Great Plains | 411-633M | 10/21/2021
PL5500 Planter
Seed Population Too High
Overall high
Incorrect seed rate
Check seed rate charts.
Incorrect ground drive transmission
or range sprockets used
Check transmission and range sprocket tooth counts and
DRIVING/DRIVEN locations (page 35).
Two seeds per cell on the disk due to
excess meter pressurization
Decrease the controlled air to the meter (page 29).
Two seeds per cell on the disk due to
cells too large for the seed
Select a disk with smaller cells.
The meter pressurization is too high,
as confirmed by gauge
Reduce fan speed.
Air meter pressure too high due to
pressure sensor not zeroed properly.
zero the gauge with the fan off. Make sure the
displayed pressure reads 0.00.
Air pressure too high, but gauge is
within range or reading low
Compare the air pressure reported on the console to the
mechanical gauge. If they do not match:
Inspect the sample lines from the row units up to the
sensor chamber for leaks.
Re-zero the air pressure with the fan off.
False alarms or actual seed rate
errors due to seed monitoring system
setup with incorrect row count,
spacing, or active rows
Review planter configuration and seed monitoring system
setup. See
the console manual for instructions for your
seed monitoring system.
Incorrect cell count
Replace seed disks with correct disks, or reset rate for
current disks, if within range.
Doubles due to incorrect disk for crop
or seed size
Use recommended disk for crop and seed size. See
Material Rate manual.
Sticky seeds from excess seed
Increase seed lubricant (page 31).
Overlapping passes
Check marker extension (page 48).
For GPS, check planter size programmed.
Actual field size is different
Population may be correct, and calculations are not.
Seed monitoring system
reporting area
Readings can vary with conditions (wheel slippage, and
effective rolling radius in soft soils) and planting patterns.
single row
Excess meter pressurization causing
Check seed inlet gate.
Worn seed
drop brush and/or strip
brushes allowing excess seed to
Replace worn brushes (page 58).
Worn meter bearing causing seed
disk wobble and doubles
Replace meter bearing.
Incorrect seed disk with higher cell
Install correct disk.