Operating Instructions
Liquid: Fertilizer Operation
For an aftermarket pump system, consult the pump or
system documentation. These pages describe the
available Great Plains systems. See page 31 through
page 32 for callout references.
Liquid: Ground Drive Operation
The piston pump
is ground driven. When the
applicator is lowered and in motion, the pump operates,
and fertilizer is applied based on the drive Range
sprocket, and pump adjuster dial setting
Liquid: Hydraulic Drive Operation
The centrifugal pump
is driven by an integrated
hydraulic motor. The output of the pump is under
pressure whenever the hydraulic motor circuit is
activated. Rate is regulated by a flow control valve
and monitored by a flow meter
, both connected to a
Raven SCS 450 console (or other compatible Raven
Liquid: Boom Operation
The liquid fertilizer boom system is designed to operate
(ideally) between 15 and 40 psi. Several system
elements affect system pressure, and need initial setup,
periodic maintenance, and adjustment.
Liquid: Start-Up Preparation (Either Pump)
1. Check that ample fertilizer has been loaded into the
tanks. The liquid level must be higher than the
hydraulic pump for pump priming. Close and cap or
plug any tank fill inlet valves (such as
in the
Great Plains plumbing system).
2. Check that tank valves (such as discharge, transfer,
selector) are configured and ready for use. In the
Great Plains tank plumbing system, this would be:
tank discharge valves open to selector valve
selector valve open to tanks and pump
3. On suitable ground, raise the applicator.
Possible Agricultural Chemical Hazard:
Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Wear proper protective
equipment as required by chemical manufacturer. Avoid
prolonged breathing of chemical fumes. Wear respirator as
required by chemical manufacturer. Some chemicals will cause
serious burns, lung damage, and death. Seek medical
assistance immediately if accident occurs. Know what to do in
case of accident.
Pump No-Flow Risk:
The hydraulic
pump must be primed. The liquid level in the
tank must be at a higher elevation than the pump inlet. The top
of the pump must be fitted with either an air bleed line to the
top of a tank, or a manual bleed valve. The bleed line must be
open at least until the pump if filled with material.
When tanks and pump are ordered, the factory configuration
includes an air bleed line from the hydraulic pump to one of
the tank lids. User-configured systems must make provision for
pump priming.
a. The ground drive pump is a positive displacement piston
type, and normally self-primes at any liquid level.