User’s Guide
GPIO definitions.
In this section, configurers may define GPIO logic. The control panel has a rear
connector that provides 4 relay outputs and 8 optically isolated inputs. See
, for more information. (Note that the graphical buttons represent
and not actual buttons.)
Configuration Tasks
The person configuring an NV9605 panel will want to consider how best to use the buttons
to support the devices and routers in the router control system at hand. Trade-offs must be
In support of that effort, the configurer will do the following:
Determine in which of the 4 modes the panel with this configuration will run.
Select panel options.
Assign functions to buttons.
Define logic for some or all of the tally inputs and outputs.
We have no strong recommendations for button types on your panel, but it is likely that a
‘Source Shift’ button will be needed.
The NV9605 has 4 “pages” of sources and destinations. Operators can scroll from page to
page using the scroll buttons immediately to the right of the panel’s display. The name of
the current page is always present in the bottom line of the display.
Configurers can change the names of the pages. To change a page name, click the current
page name in the panel image of the NV9605 configuration page. Scroll to a different page
to change its name.
Configurers must use the scroll buttons (in the NV9605 configuration page) to select the
page they want to configure.
Commitment Buttons
Two buttons at the bottom of the configuration page are self-explanatory and appear on
most configuration pages:
Revert to Saved. Press this button if you want to discard any recent changes you have
Save. Press this button to commit all your recent changes.
Neither of these actions is reversible.