Kayak HD — Installation Planning Guide
I/O Expander Module adds 24 SDI inputs, 12 SDI outputs, 8 GPI
inputs, 32 GPI outputs/tallies, and optionally 4 MatchDef™ scalar
inputs. Fits in any available M/E slot.
Full M/E Upgrade Option. Adds one Mix/Effects module to any
Kayak HD chassis. Order one or more options to get the total M/Es
required. The 4RU chassis holds up to two M/E modules and/or I/O
Expander modules. One M/E upgrade option can be added to a Kayak
HD 1-M/E or 1.5-M/E system if it does not also have an I/O Expander
module. The 8RU chassis holds up to four M/E modules and/or I/O
Expander modules. One or two upgrade options can be added to a
Kayak HD or SD 2-M/E system, less any I/O Expander modules in the
Upgrade Kit for minor modifications of XtenDD panels to enable
control of a Kayak HD/SD video processor frame.
Supported Control Protocols
VTRs (BVW-75)
AMP (Advanced Media Protocol). For Profile PVS, XP, K2, M Series,
and Turbo DDRs. RS422 Serial supported
Video servers (Louth VDCP, Odetics)
Routers/Routing Control Systems (Trinix™, Venus™, Triton™, and
third party routers; Jupiter™ and Encore™ router control systems)
Control Systems (Grass Valley Andromeda™ and third-party systems)
Grass Valley Under Monitor Displays (Serial tally for UMD. Requires
Grass Valley Andromeda™ system or third-part tally box such as Tally
Display Corp. or Image Video.)
Grass Valley external Remote AUX Panels (CP-300 Series)
ESAM II for audio-follow-video applications
Edit controllers (native and Grass Valley Model 100 and 200 or DD35)