GRASS VALLEY ADVC HD FAMILY Datasheet Download Page 1

product data sheet


ADVC HD Family

h i g h - q ua l i t y h d v i d eo co n v er s i o n

Compatible with Windows (including 


Windows 7) and Mac operating 
system-based DV editing systems
No need to install drivers or any 


software applications

50 Hz and 60 Hz compatible


Ideal for studio production 



Robust and reliable – over 250,000 


ADVC converters sold worldwide
Works with many FireWire 800 


(IEEE 1394b)-equipped computers 
by means of an appropriate adapter 
cable (customer supplied)

ADVC-HDM1 – Real-Time HD-SDI/

HDV Conversion

Provides high-quality, bi-directional 
conversion between HD-SDI and HDV 
signals, complete with embedded audio. 
It’s perfect for recording from HD-SDI 
sources to a nonlinear editing system for 
HDV editing—or for use as a standalone 
converter without a computer.
It can also encode HD MPEG-2 transport 
streams up to a full 1920x1080 resolution 
using one of eight different bit-rate 
settings that best suits your workflow. 


-HDM1 unit also lets you 

input external time-code information 
when encoding in HDV; control HD-SDI 
decks via HDV and vice versa with AV/C-
RS-422 device control conversion; and 
use simple, two-button control for its 
encoding/decoding and time-code mode 
via the front panel. Convenient partial-
width, 19-inch rack, 1 RU form factor. 
Rack mount kit is available separately.

ADVC-HD50 – Real-Time HDMI to 

FireWire (IEEE 1394) Conversion

Converts any uncompressed HDMI 
source—for example from AVCHD 
camcorders—to the HDV format for 
easier editing (1280 x 720 to 1280 x 
720 HDV and 1920 x 1080 to 1440 x 
1080 HDV), also reducing the need for a 
high-performance system or costly HDD 
storage. Simple to operate—perfect for 



ADVC-HDSC1 – Real-Time  

HD-SDI/SD-SDI to Component 

(YUV) Conversion

Converts HD-SDI signals to HD 
component output or SD-SDI signals to 
SD component output. It provides instant 
output of HD content to affordable HD 
component displays, such as TVs and 
RGB monitors—and standard-definition 
(SD) content to component, S-Video, 
and composite displays. It has a sync 

generator for HD (tri-level sync) and SD 
(black burst), making it ideal for video 
editing studios—as well as audio-level-
adjustment options.
The ADVC-HDSC1 unit also offers several 
unique features, including embedded 
audio support, SD-SDI to S-Video 
and composite conversion, HD-SDI 
conversion to RGB for PC monitors with 
BNC inputs, and front-panel displays for 
video-format and audio-level outputs. As 
well, it automatically detects your current 
video output format, and supports SDI 
signal pass-through. Convenient partial-
width, 19-inch rack, 1 RU form factor. 
Rack mount kit is available separately.

our advc hd family supports virtually 
any high-definition (hd), video-
conversion need. as standalone 
units or connected to a computer, 
all advc hd products feature broad 
compatibility with video equipment, 
sturdy construction, and a standalone-
operation capability.
