Front View
Markng mat
Cuttng groove
Tool carrage
Pen holder
Cutter holder
Control panel
Meda set lever
Pen staton
USB nterface connector
RS-232C nterface connector
Push roller
Media flange
Grt roller poston gude
Grt roller
Stock shaft
Meda gude
Meda sensor
Meda stopper
Control panel
...........................Used to access varous plotter functons.
Push rollers
.............................Rollers that push the meda aganst the grt rollers.
Grit rollers
Metallic rollers with a file-like surface that feed the media back and forth.
Media sensors
.........................The front sensor s used to sense the leadng edge of the meda. The rear
sensor s used to sense the tralng edge of the meda.
Tool carriage
............................Moves the cutter-pen or plottng pen across the meda durng cuttng or
Cutter holder
...........................Holds the cutter n poston whle movng up and down.
Pen holder
................................Holds the pen n poston whle movng up and down.
Pen station
...............................Fxes the pen n poston before use.
Grit roller position guide
........Stckers on the front of the Y ral and the rear sde of the top cover that show
the poston of each grt roller. Use these algnment marks as an ad n locatng
the Push rollers.
Marking mat
.............................The ol-base ballpont moves above ths and does the cuttng/plottng.
Cutting groove
.........................Use ths groove when usng the meda cutter.
Media set lever
........................Used to rase or lower the Push rollers durng the loadng or unloadng of