P a g e
GVC3210 Administration Guide
Register expiration (Min.)
Specifies the frequency in which the device refreshes its registration. Default is 60 (minutes). Valid range
is 1 to 1440 (minutes).
for more descriptions of the options below.
Select the account to be configured. The users can select the SIP account, the built-in BlueJeans
account or H.323 account to configure here.
Select DTMF method to use during H.323 call. Available options are: In Audio, RFC2833 or H245 signal.
This option is related to H.323 account only.
Preferred Vocoder
Select preferred vocoder for the account to use during the call. Please note the actual codec being
used in the call is a negotiation result between the GVC3210 and the remote party.
Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP
Configure whether to use the first matching vocoder in the sent 200OK SDP as the codec.
Preferred video codec
Select preferred video codec for the account to use during the call. H.264 or/and H.265. Default is
H.264. This option is available if using SIP account only.
Image Size
Configure H.264/H.265 image size for the video call. Available resolutions are: 4K, 1080P, 720P, 4CIF,
4SIF and VGA. If using BlueJeans or H.323, it will configure H.264 image size only. 4K resolution is
available using SIP or BlueJeans account only.
Video Bit Rate
Configure video bit rate for the video call. Valid range: from 1024 kbps to 8192 kbps if using SIP account.
If using BlueJeans or H.323 account, valid range is: from 1024 kbps to 4096 kbps. Default is 2048 kbps.
Video Frame Rate
Configure video frame rate for the video call. Available frame rates are: 5 fps, 15 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps or
VFR (Variable Frame Rate).
Enable Video FEC
Enable video FEC for the SIP or BlueJeans account.