Service and repair of the Gendron 3648 Bariatric Bed should be performed
only by a GF authorized distributor. GF is not responsible for any consequence resulting
from any unauthorized service or repair.
The following list of encountered problems and their solutions will assist you in determining what
may be causing your 3648 Bariatric Bed not to function as designed. If a problem occurs which is
not listed below, please contact your GF authorized distributor or GF Technical Support for help.
Do not attempt to repair 3648 Bariatric Bed components or parts, as this may invalidate your
warranty or cause further problems.
No Power
1. Is green light on control
module illuminated?
If yes go to Power but no function section.
2. Is the mains cable damaged? If yes, replace mains cable.
3. Is it plugged into the wall?
Plug mains cable into a functional wall receptacle.
4. Is it plugged into control
Plug mains cable into the control module.
5. Is there power to the wall
If yes, replace control module.
Power but
no function
1. Is green light on control
module illuminated?
2. Is there damage to the
handset or cable?
If yes, replace handset.
3. Is the handset plugged in?
Plug in handset.
4. Are all of the motor cables
plugged into the actuators and
control module?
Plug motor cables into actuators and control
5. Are any of the actuator motor
cables damaged?
If yes, replace the damaged motor cable.
6. Is the control module
If yes, call GF Tech Support.
1. Is motor cable plugged into
actuator and control module?
Plug motor cable into actuator and control module.
2. Is the motor cable damaged? If yes, replace motor cable.
3. Is the actuator damaged?
If yes, replace actuator.
4. Does the actuator make any
sounds when function button is
If yes, check for any mechanical binding on bed.
5a. Can you change ports on
the control module and get it to
work? (Ports 1 and 3 or 2 and 4)
If initial suspect actuator still does not move but
switched port actuator does, then replace the motor
cable and suspect actuator. If suspect actuator
moves but switched port actuator does not, then
replace the control module.
5b. Does other actuator that the
port was switched with not work
If you experience a problem with the 3648 Bariatric Bed and are unable to
service it yourself, contact your GF authorized distributor.
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