Heat Module Acknowledge-Clear Error Diagram
Heat Zone Acknowledge-Clear Error Diagram
Heat Module Ack-Clear Error
Automation Inputs (E-Flo iQ Outputs)
Data Exchange - AMZ Module Alarms (integer/bitfield)
Data Exchange - I/O Daughter Board Active Module Alarms (integer/bitfield)
Heart Beat (1Hz)
No Heat Module Alarms Active
Automation Outputs (E-Flo iQ Inputs)
Acknowledge/clear errors
Process can be repeated for deviations and advisories
If errors are not successfully resolved/fixed the bit will reminder high, once the system has
successfully seen that the error has been resolved, the bit will go low
Heat Zone Ack-Clear Error
Automation Inputs (E-Flo iQ Outputs)
+ Data Exchange - AMZ Active Zone #x Alarms
Heart Beat (1Hz)
No Heat Zone Alarms Active
Automation Outputs (E-Flo iQ Inputs)
Acknowledge/clear errors
Each zone has to be scanned for errors before send the Acknowledge/clear errors bit
If errors are not successfully resolved/fixed the bit will reminder high, once the system has
successfully seen that the error has been resolved, the bit will go low
Process can be repeated for deviations and advisories