Device Description HG G-7335xZA | English, Revision 05 | Date: 19.02.2020
Software – Chapter 7
Figure 4
Screenshot: Main menu of the monitor program (HG G-73350 with CAN Bus)
Figure 5
Screenshot: Main menu of the monitor program (HG G-73351 with Profibus)
The first two lines represent the input.
S1, S2, D1, D2
The values for
, and
are each the sum of the 16 samplings. The range
for the sum voltage is 0 to 16383 and for the difference voltage -8192 to +8191.
X1, X2
X1 and X2 present the calculated values for the collateral deviation of the antennas
above the guide wire in a range from -255 to +255 in mm. The value of the threshold
will be -256 if the corresponding voltages of S1 respectively S2 fall below the set
The hexadecimal output of binary coded system statuses in the same format as out
put via the serial telegram, PDO_1 (CAN) or Profibus.
S1: 1 D1: -10 S2: 10816 D2: -4403 X1:-256 mm X2: -50 mm Status: 0x40
(1) Select Antenna System 1
(2) Select Antenna System 2
(C)AN Menue
(L)oad Values to EEProm
(O)utput CSV-Data (press 'a' to abort)
(U)pdate Firmware
Software Version 73350A01.05 / 15.MAR.2005 Serial Number: 9999999
S1: 6418 D1: 65 S2: 0 D2: -16 X1: +0 X2: -256 Status: 0x80
(1) Select Antenna System 1
(2) Select Antenna System 2
(P)rofibus Menu
(L)oad Values to EEProm
(O)utput CSV-Data (press 'a' to abort)
(U)pdate Firmware
Software Version 73351A01.00 / 03.SEP.2008 Serial Number: 7385277