Software / Parameter Settings
English, Revision 06, Date: 12.07.2011
Activate the function <Transmission><record text> in Hyperterm and press any key.
All parameters are output with their names, a ’,’ and their value.
Now deactivate this submenu in Hyperterminal via <Transmission> <record text> and
<quit>. The values are now stored in the selected file.
(I)mport User Parameters from Host to Antenna / (E)xport
User Parameters from Antenna to Host
It is possible to save a parameter set via the XMODEM, which was adjusted by the us-
the parameter data of a PC (host) can be loaded into the antenna. After
the XMODEM connection should be started within 50 seconds. In
HyperTerminal the following can be used:
Transmission> send file> XMODEM>
file name
. As soon as the data/file is correctly transmitted, checked and loaded
into the parameter RAM, a message
appears on the screen. To put a
parameter for longer into the antenna, they should be transmitted into the EEProm
[w]rite user parameters into EEProm
in the main menu in BILD 8 on
page 21).
the adjusted parameter set can be transmitted into the PC (host) and they
can be save there. After pressing
the XMODEM data-connection should be
started. In HyperTerminal the following should be used
Transmission> receive
file> folder
and then a data/file has to be chosen. After the transmission the mes-
appears on the screen.
{S}ervice Menu
The service menu has no adjustable function for the user.
[F]irmware Update
It is possible to program the firmware into the used processor via the available serial
interface. To do so, it is necessary to set up the serial connection to the PC. Afterwards
you can, as described below, program the processor with a new firmware by using the
software tools
FLASH269.EXE Installation of the flash program
No formal installation is needed. Simply follow the following steps to run the program
on your PC.
1. Create a directory for the executable file
(it will then create the pro-
gram surface)
2. Copy the file
into this directory.
3. Copy the file
in the Windows system directory:
Windows 95/98: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
Windows NT/2000 or higher: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM