Software / Parameter Settings
English, Revision 06, Date: 12.07.2011
Serial Interface: After switching on the optical line tacker, it will always start with
the serial configuration as shown in table 5 on page 20 for the period of 10 sec-
onds to enable a connection even though there is an unknown parameter.
Afterwards the serial menu (see section 4.6 on page 29) will record the earlier
adjusted parameter. The activation of the service menu can occur via the
sequence (pause >=0.1 sec,
within two seconds, pause >=0.1 sec).
The following menu appears:
Figure 8
Screenshot: Main menu
The upper line shows the calculated values:
Maximum of the covariance function.
Location of the maximum in pixels.
The lateral deviation value in millimeters within the range of max.
-500 to +500 mm.
Hexadecimal output of system status, similar to the output
PDO_1 for CANopen®, refer to Table 7 on page 22. Entering (B)
enables viewing the set status bits as plain text messages (refer
to Figure 9 on page 22).
With the entry of
the set status- and configuration bits as a
plain text can be shown (refer to Figure 9 on page 22.
displays the decoded barcode
the corresponding minimal symbol contrast
The upper line just below the status outputs shows the plaintext message with the low-
est rating, refer to Figure 9 on page 22.
Peak 22356 @ 263 X/mm: 3 S: 4030 Code: 225 SCmin: 0 %
(I)mage Settings
(O)utput-Input Settings
(C)AN Menu
(B)ar Code
(L)uminance Histogram
(D)ata of Video Line
(K)ovariance Values
(P)ixel Correction
(S)tatus Bits
[W]rite user parameters to EEProm
Software Version 73840A32.01 / 04.MAR.2011 Serial Number: 99999