Vent/Intake Terminations For Installation
of Multiple Direct Vent Furnaces
If more than one direct vent furnace is to be installed vertically
through a common roof top, maintain the same minimum
clearances between the exhaust vent and air intake termi
nations of adjacent units as with the exhaust vent and air
intake terminations of a single unit.
If more than one direct vent furnace is to be installed horizon
tally through a common side wall, maintain the clearances
as in the following figure. Always terminate all exhaust vent
outlets at the same elevation and always terminate all air
intakes at the same elevation.
3” MIN
Termination of
Multiple Direct Vent Furnaces
Figure 22
Concentric Vent Termination
Refer to the directions provided with the Concentric Vent Kit
(CVENT) for installation specifications.
Side Wall Vent Kit
This kit is to be used with 2” or 3” direct vent systems. The
vent kit must terminate outside the structure and may be in
stalled with the intake and exhaust pipes located side-by-side
or with one pipe above the other. These kits are
for use with single pipe (non-direct vent) installations.
Refer to the directions furnished with the Side Wall Vent
Kit (p/n 0170K00000S or 0170K00001S) for installation
Ve rtica l Installation
H orizontal Installation
Side Wall Vent Kit
Figure 23
Condensate Drain Lines & Drain
A condensing gas furnace achieves its high level of efficien
cy by extracting heat from the products of combustion to
the point where condensation takes place. The condensate
must be collected in the furnace drain trap and routed to
an appropriate drain location in compliance with local and
national codes.
Follow the bullets listed below when installing the drain
system. Refer to the following sections for specific details
concerning furnace drain trap installation and drain hose
hook ups.
The drain trap supplied with the furnace must be
The drain trap must be primed at time of
The drain line between furnace and drain location
must meet local and national codes.
The drain line between furnace and drain location
must maintain a 1/4 inch per foot downward slope
toward the drain.
Do not trap the drain line in any other location
than at the drain trap supplied with the furnace.
If the drain line is routed through an area which
may see temperatures near or below freezing,
precautions must be taken to prevent condensate
from freezing within the drain line.
If an air conditioning coil is installed with the
furnace, a common drain may be used. An open
tee must be installed in the drain line, to relieve
positive air pressure from the coil’s plenum. This
is necessary to prohibit any interference with the
function of the furnace’s drain trap.
General Drain Information
All furnace models come with a factory installed drain trap.
For vertical installations, the trap will remain in the factory
position. All furnace models installed horizontally require
the trap to be relocated. Many drain hoses have a built–in
grommet which will provide a cabinet seal when installed. See
instructions below for your model and installation position.
NOTE: Both sides of the drain trap must be primed prior
to initial furnace start up.